
These can be installed by running:
npm install --save express express-favicon sqlite3 react react-dom react-scripts ws sqlite3


To run app locally, use script npm start to start the React server and then node server.js from the server folder to start the backend
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. Page will update with edits automatically and all errors are displayed verbosely

All static assets (images, files, etc.) go into the public folder

Before publishing, use script npm run build in the project directory to generate the production package


Publishing happens after the build is completed

On your server, place the build folder and server.js file in the same directory. Ensure all the above dependencies are installed

Run node server.js to start the server


The server listens by default on ports 5000 and 3013

  • Port 5000 is the Express http server
  • Port 3013 is the WebSocket server which is required for the patient and doctor sides to communicate and includes the SQLite database

You must either open these ports for incoming connections or change them in server.js
If you are using provided port 5000 for the http server, you can forward default port 80 (or 443 for https) for http connections to Express using something like
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5000