
Discord webhook integration with C# for easy-use

Primary LanguageC#


DiscordWebhook helps easily integrates in any C# application. It let's you send updates or messages to any discord server (provided you have a webhook url).




Upon creating the Webhook, you are able to set a default username and avatar that will be used unless specified otherwise when sending a message.

Example Usage

var discord = new DiscordWebhook("Link goes here");
var testEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
    .WithTitle("This is a test embed")
    .AddField("Field 1", "This is some useful text in field 1", false)
    .AddField("Field 2 but inline is enabled", "Hi", true)
    .AddField("Field 3 but it is inline", "im on the right", true)
    .WithAuthor("nikolalv", "https://github.com/nikolalv", "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1341206")
discord.SendMessageAsync(embeds: testEmbed.Build());
