
Python Utility for collecting repo statistics from GitHub and streaming results to an Initial State Dashboard

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maintainer stats collector

Tektronix CodeFactor

Python Utility for collecting repo statistics from GitHub and streaming results to an Initial State Dashboard

Example: https://go.init.st/0sjumwe

NOTE: Currently, both API v3 and API v4 are in use for this project. Ideally, API v4 would be exclusively used, but until the schema is complete, some metrics are unavailable and instead use PyGithub for API v3 access.

Table of Contents


Current Metrics this query engine supports:


Are people able to find my project(s)?

  • Rationale: We are interested in understanding the impact of activities on user engagement (blog posts, conference meetups, etc.) e.g. Was my Medium article successful in directing new potential users to my project?

    Total Page Views

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/views
    Returns two values, representing total and unique page views (per week); duration can be specified in maintainer_v3.py

    Example return:

    {'count': 213,
     'uniques': 10,
     'views': [View(uniques=3, timestamp=2019-10-21 00:00:00, count=57),
               View(uniques=6, timestamp=2019-10-28 00:00:00, count=131),
               View(uniques=8, timestamp=2019-11-04 00:00:00, count=25)]
    Total unique visitors

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/views
    Returns two values, representing total and unique page views (per week); duration can be specified in maintainer_v3.py

    Example return:

    {'count': 213,
     'uniques': 10,
     'views': [View(uniques=3, timestamp=2019-10-21 00:00:00, count=57),
               View(uniques=6, timestamp=2019-10-28 00:00:00, count=131),
               View(uniques=8, timestamp=2019-11-04 00:00:00, count=25)]
    Referring Sites

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/popular/referrer Returns two separate dictionaries, {site:totalcount} & {site:uniquecount}, for referring sites (key) and total/unique visitors (values)

    Example return:

     [Referrer(uniques=7, referrer="github.com", count=52),
     Referrer(uniques=2, referrer="login.microsoftonline.com", count=4),
     Referrer(uniques=1, referrer="cla-assistant.io", count=1)]
    GitHub Stars

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stargazers Returns single value representing current total number of stars on project.

    Example return:

    Total # of stars for <project>: 42


Who is getting use from the project(s)?

  • Rationale: We are interested in understanding how widely used our projects are with the goal being to produce more impactful software projects that can be recommended for reuse. Clone and Fork counts presume that the project is being utilized and actively developed on, this can also serve as a proxy measurement for popularity (not without biases)

    Number of Clones

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/clones
    Returns two values, representing total and unique clones (per week); duration can be specified in maintainer_v3.py
    NOTE: per week does actually mean the 'Last 14 days'

    Example return:

        {'clones': [Clones(uniques=2, timestamp=2019-10-21 00:00:00, count=2),
             Clones(uniques=4, timestamp=2019-10-28 00:00:00, count=4),
             Clones(uniques=1, timestamp=2019-11-04 00:00:00, count=1)],
     'count': 7,
     'uniques': 6}
    Number of Unique Cloners

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/traffic/clones
    Returns two values, representing total and unique clones (per week); duration can be specified in maintainer_v3.py
    NOTE: per week does actually mean the 'Last 14 days'

    Example return:

        {'clones': [Clones(uniques=2, timestamp=2019-10-21 00:00:00, count=2),
             Clones(uniques=4, timestamp=2019-10-28 00:00:00, count=4),
             Clones(uniques=1, timestamp=2019-11-04 00:00:00, count=1)],
     'count': 7,
     'uniques': 6}
    Number of forks

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/forks_count
    Returns single value representing total number of active forks

    Example Return:



How active is the project(s)?

  • Rationale: These metrics serve as an indicator for understanding how active a community is around supporting a project, with a goal to foster and grow self-sustaining communities around code.

    Total contributor count

    APIv3: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contributor
    Returns single value representing total number of contributors (with GitHub accounts)

    Example Return:

    # of total commits

    APIv4: Query for Commit and CommitHistoryConnection Fields
    Returns the total count of items in the connection., representing total commits added to defaultBranchRef

    Example Return:

                     [{'node': {'commitUrl': 'https://github.com/tektronix/curvequery/commit/7b072ba5877ba6fb37a516eaa4b15fc1a8cf369b', 'committedDate': '2019-10-25T17:55:16Z' }}],
                    'totalCount': 19
    Days since last commit

    APIv4: Query for Commit and CommitHistoryConnection Fields
    Returns timestamp for the datetime when top commit was committed.

    Example Return:

                     [{'node': {'commitUrl': 'https://github.com/tektronix/curvequery/commit/7b072ba5877ba6fb37a516eaa4b15fc1a8cf369b', 'committedDate': '2019-10-25T17:55:16Z' }}],
                    'totalCount': 19

Project Health:

How well is/are the project(s) being maintained?

  • Rationale: We are interested in understanding the challenges of maintaining projects with the goal being to promote efficiency, inclusiveness, and high quality.

    # of Open Issues

    APIv4: Query the IssueConnection Fields for a Repository
    Returns the total count of items in the issue connection with state:OPEN
    Example Return:

          {'totalCount': 10}
    # of Open Pull Requests

    APIv4: Query the PullRequestConnection Fields for a Repository
    Returns the total count of items in the issue connection with state:OPEN
    Example Return:

          {'totalCount': 1}
    Average PR Response time

    APIv4: Query the last 5 PullRequestTimeLineConnection!'s and Node Fields for Events createdAt
    Returns a mean average of all Pullrequest nodes and their respective datetime differences between Start and Stop events.
    More information on PullRequest event strings: https://developer.github.com/v4/enum/pullrequesttimelineitemsitemtype

    Example Return:

        {'nodes': [{'timelineItems': 
        {'nodes': [{'__typename': 'ReviewRequestedEvent','createdAt': '2019-10-15T20:09:46Z', 'requestedReviewer': {'login': 'nlynchjo'}},
        {'__typename': 'MergedEvent', 'createdAt': '2019-10-25T16:23:42Z'}]},
        'title': 'Create example documentation'},
        {'nodes': [{'__typename': 'ReviewRequestedEvent', 'createdAt': '2019-10-15T21:05:17Z', 'requestedReviewer': {'login': 'nlynchjo'}},
        {'__typename': 'MergedEvent', 'createdAt': '2019-10-25T16:23:25Z'}]},
        'title': 'Add exception handling for empty pull requests data'}],
        'pageInfo': {'hasPreviousPage': True, 'startCursor': 'Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpHOE5OnyQ=='},
        'totalCount': 7}

Organizational Velocity:

What is the development speed for an organization?

  • Rationale: We are interested in understanding the focus areas of our communities with the goal of being able to estimate the most recent labor investments spent on our software projects.

    # of issues closed recently


    # of reviews added


    # of code changes


    # of unique committers





  • Virtual environment setup:
    $ python3 -m venv .env

  • Activate environment before installing dependencies:
    $ source .env/bin/activate
    NOTE: on Python3.8+ look for the activate scripts in .env/Scripts/activate

  • Update pip/setuptools and install wheel
    $(.env) python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

  • Install project dependencies:
    $(.env) pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run the project for any tektronix repo:
    $(.env) python maintainer_stats.py --token <GITHUB_TOKEN> --repo <repo_name (e.g. numconverter)>

GitHub Token Access

To enable proper access for all of the queries, generate a new API token with the following scope:


Initial State Setup

Example Dashboard

The results of each query can be streamed as unique signals to be displayed in the Initial State tiles app!

Sign up for an account on their webpage and create a new Stream Bucket...

Once created, your new dashboard will need some data!

You'll need to manually extract a few things from your Dashboard Settings Page...

Click Settings and Give your Dashboard a Name, you'll need this name later:

  • Bucket Key, e.g. 'ABCDEFG1282N'
  • Access Key, e.g. 'ist_ArgadfsjkWWjdgdfsnf322k4nsdnfdsfds'
  • Bucket Name, e.g. 'My Awesome Dashboard 🚀'

These items can be fed to the maintainer_stats utility as command line arguments, OR you can export them into your environment variables:

$(.env) export ISS_BUCKET_NAME='My Awesome Dashboard :rocket:'
$(.env) export ISS_BUCKET_KEY=`ABCDEFG1282N`
$(.env) export ISS_ACCESS_KEY='ist_ArgadfsjkWWjdgdfsnf322k4nsdnfdsfds'

Run the utility against your project, or list of projects to get some initial tiles to work with

$(.env) maintainer_stats/python maintainer_stats.py -r programmatic-control-examples

Retrieving results for... tektronix\programmatic-control-examples       [DONE]
Streaming results for...  tektronix\programmatic-control-examples to Initial State Bucket (GHExport)    (╯°□°)╯ ︵┻━┻!! [DONE]

And Behold, you can now begin formatting your dashboard to your hearts content using the 'Edit Tiles' button.

Check out the Initial State documentation for more information on all the cool things you can do.

Example Finished Dashboard using the data collected from these stats on a real project:

Example Dashboard


usage: maintainer_stats.py [-h] [-o  GH_ORG] [-u  GH_USER] [-b BRANCH_NAME]
                           [-r  REPO_NAME [REPO_NAME ...]] [-t  GH_TOKEN]
                           [-n --ISSBName  ISS_NAME]
                           [-k --ISSBKey  ISS_BUCKET_KEY]
                           [-i --ISSKey  ISS_KEY] [-d]

Maintainer stats utility
required arguments:
  -o, --org  
         GitHub Enterprise org URL 
         (default: tektronix)

  -r, --repo  REPO_NAME [REPO_NAME ...]
         specific repo or list of repos (e.g. tpinux tpinux-ci ...)
         (default: <none>)

   -t, --token GITHUB_TOKEN
         GitHub API token (or env var GITHUB_TOKEN) 
         (default: environment variable)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -u  GH_USER, --user  GH_USER
                        GitHub user    
                        (default: <none>)

  -b --branch  BRANCH_NAME
                        Target branch ref for Retention Metrics
                        NOTE: If branch is specifed, and multiple repos
                        are targetted, make sure the branch name exists 
                        on all remotes. If this argument is omitted, 
                        defaultRefBranch is used for all repos
                        (default: <none>)

  -n --ISSBName  ISS_NAME
                        Initial State Stream Bucket Name 
                        (or env var ISS_BUCKET_NAME) 
                        (default: <none>)

                        Initial State Stream Bucket Key 
                        (or env var ISS_BUCKET_KEY) 
                        (default: <none>)
  -i --ISSKey  ISS_KEY  Initial State Stream Access Key 
                        (or env var ISS_ACCESS_KEY) (default: <none>)

  -d , --debug          enable debug logging 
                        (default: false)


Nick Lynch-Jonely

Supporting Links

GitHub's GraphQL API v4 developer page
GitHub's REST API v3 developer page
PyGithub Documentation site
Initial State