
Docker PHP images for cli, fpm and ci

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker PHP images

This repository serves as an easy way to configure and build docker PHP images (powered by docker-php-extension-installer) with some extra libraries and tools:

  • locales: install extra locales with locale-gen to support internal PHP date localization
  • optipng pngcrush pngquant, jpegoptim, gifsicle, jpegtran install system tools for image optimization, (usage example [https://github.com/psliwa/image-optimizer])
  • mhsendmail for local email debugging with mailhog (installed but disabled by default, , can be enabled with ini configuration (cli argument or mounted .ini file)
  • wkhtmltopdf wkhtmltoimage for html to pdf/image conversion
  • nodejs / yarn (added at stage2, see below)
  • chromium, symfony server, global node packages, ... (at stage3, see below)
  • xdebug is installed but disabled by default, can be enabled with ini configuration (cli argument or mounted .ini file)

Available tags

Default build options

Tag Stage
nlzet/php:7.4-cli stage1
nlzet/php:7.4-fpm stage2
nlzet/php:7.4-ci stage3
nlzet/php:8.0-cli stage1
nlzet/php:8.0-fpm stage2
nlzet/php:8.0-ci stage3
nlzet/php:8.1-cli stage1
nlzet/php:8.1-fpm stage2
nlzet/php:8.1-ci stage3
nlzet/php:8.2-cli stage1
nlzet/php:8.2-fpm stage2
nlzet/php:8.2-ci stage3

All tags are built weekly (on Thursday) based on the official php major.minor php tags (e.g. php:7.4-fpm). The following defaults are applied to these builds:

Option Value
PHP_EXTENSIONS amqp bcmath bz2 exif ffi gd gettext gmp igbinary imagick intl mcrypt mysqli pcntl pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql redis sockets soap xdebug xmlrpc xsl zip

Building your own image

You can build your own image with your own set of php extensions and configuration options. Available options and information are described below:

Configuration options:

Build options

Variable Description Default
PHP_VERSION Choose the PHP version, you can select major, minor and patch version. E.g. 7, 7.4 or 7.4.10
PHP_EXTENSIONS Choose the PHP extensions to install, select supported extensions from https://github.com/mlocati/docker-php-extension-installer#supported-php-extensions
LOCALEGEN String containing the locales to install, seperated by \n en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\nnl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8\nnl_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8\nfr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8\nde_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8\nes_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8\nit_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8\nsv_SE.UTF-8 UTF-8
UID www user id 1000
GID www group id 1000
NODE_MAJOR nodejs major version 16

Auto-generated options

Variable Description Default
FROM_IMAGE Tag from the official PHP base images to base on (choose a -fpm suffix to support it in all multistage builds) php:${PHP_VERSION}-fpm

Multistage build targets

Docker stage Description Entrypoint
builder build-/download external dependencies from source like image optim libraries or mhsendmail default
composer composer multistage to export composer binary default
extensions base image, builds requested PHP extensions and configures image optim packages default
stage1 cli image with entrypoint php bin and install locales php bin
stage2 fpm image with entrypoint fpm and add nodejs and yarn fpm bin
stage3 ci image for CI e2e testing php bin

Example build:

docker build \
    --build-arg PHP_EXTENSIONS="gd xdebug" \
    --build-arg PHP_VERSION=7.4 \
    --target stage1 \
    php/ \

Using the image


Check PHP configuration:

# get version
docker run -it nlzet/php:8.2-cli php -v

# list configured modules
docker run -it nlzet/php:8.2-cli php -m

# list configured ini files
docker run -it nlzet/php:8.2-cli php --ini

Enable Xdebug:

# command line argument
docker run -it nlzet/php:8.2-cli php -d zend_extension=xdebug.so -v

# or with a mounted .ini file, containing "zend_extension=xdebug.so"
docker run -v $(pwd)/xdebug.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/99-enable-xdebug.ini -it nlzet/php:8.2-cli php -v


# start fpm container, wich will directly start php-fpm
docker run -it nlzet/php:8.2-fpm    

Docker pull all:

versions=(8.0 8.1 8.2)
tags=(ci fpm cli)

for version in $versions
    for tag in $tags
        echo "pulling nlzet/php:$version-$tag"
        docker pull nlzet/php:$version-$tag

Check composer / php versions

versions=(8.0 8.1 8.2)
tags=(ci fpm cli)

for version in $versions
    for tag in $tags
        echo "checking versions for nlzet/php:$version-$tag"
        cmd='$(php -v | head -n 1) - $(composer --version)'
        docker run -it nlzet/php:$version-$tag bash -c "echo $(echo $cmd)"