
Java Software Solution to find your embeeded Systems / Raspberry Pis faster in your network

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status

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by Nico Maas, 2014


Java Software Solution to find your embeeded Systems / Raspberry Pis faster in your network

Installation on Raspberry Pi:

1.) Download the WhereIsMyPi.jar to your Raspberry Pi, i.e.:

curl -L https://github.com/nmaas87/whereismypi/blob/master/WhereIsMyPi.jar?raw=true > /home/pi/WhereIsMyPi.jar

2.) Configure Autostart for Where Is My Pi on boot:

sudo vi /etc/rc.local

Add following command before the line "exit 0":

java -jar /home/pi/WhereIsMyPi.jar server

Save and close file

3.) Restart your Pi:

sudo reboot

Installation on PC:

Just start WhereIsMyPi via double klicking the jar File

Both guides assume that you already have Java 7 or higher installed on your RPi / PC

Addititonal Information:

Build Where Is My Pi from scratch:

  Download the src Folder from Github
  cd src
  javac *.java

Start Where is My Pi on RPi:

	java WMP server

Start Where Is My Pi on PC:

	java WMP