
Primary LanguagePython

How to execute programs

Server can works alone

python3 server.py

Client needs some arguments, for example, operation type and table that we want to work with For instance: we can list every user in the DB

python3 client.py -l --user

With main.py we can execute multiples esp32Logger

python3 launchLoggers.py

User a virtual environment

Crete python virtualEnvironment

python3 -m venv enerfi

Every time that we can use this repo, we should have enable venv

source enerfi/bin/activate

Close venv


If it miss some dependencies we can use

pip3 install -r utils/requirements.txt

Bash util commands


curl -d '{"user":"tiago", "meter_id":null}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:500/users