A small Android library to get the market name of an Android device.
Unfortunately, on many popular devices, the market name of the device is not available. For example, on the Samsung Galaxy S6 the value of Build.MODEL could be "SM-G920F", "SM-G920I", "SM-G920W8", etc.
This small library gets the market (consumer friendly) name of a device. You can use one (or both) of the following examples:
Download the latest AAR or grab via Gradle:
compile 'com.jaredrummler:android-device-names:1.0.1'
or Maven:
Or simply copy the DeviceName class intro your project, update the package declaration, and you are good to go.
Example 1
String deviceName = DeviceName.getDeviceName();
contains over 600 popular Android devices and can be run on the UI thread. If the current device is not in the list then Build.MODEL will be returned as a fallback.
Example 2
DeviceName.with(context).request(new DeviceName.Callback() {
@Override public void onFinished(DeviceName.DeviceInfo info, Exception error) {
String deviceName;
if (error != null) {
deviceName = info.getName();
} else {
deviceName = DeviceName.getDeviceName();
The above code loads JSON from a generated list of device names based on Google's maintained list. It will be up-to-date with Google's supported device list so that you will get the correct name for new or unknown devices.