
My own implementation of Snake Game in HTML 5 canvas using Phaserjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Snake Game

It is my own implementation of Snake Game in HTML 5 canvas using Phaserjs.


Try the game at https://nmanumr.github.io/SnakeGame/index.html

Note: This game is only test and targeted to Chrome v58.

For developers

In order to run it on your machine you may have to follow the following steps:

  1. Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/naumanumer/SnakeGame.git
  2. Install packages using npm i
  3. run the server using node serve.js (from project root)


There is no project dependencies but there are following dev-dependencies:

  1. Nodejs
  2. Git (optional)

Known Issues

  1. Whenever apple is generated on any of the wall it could cause any unexpectable error.
  2. Snake passes from some of the hurdles unexpectedly