A rule-based markup parser for fast web scrapping.
The main motivation behind the development of markup-parser was to write a scrapping tool that can provide following:
- Parsing should be done based on straightforward rules. Instead of a lot of query selectors all spread across the JS code.
- If the structure of the markup we are parsing is changed our parser should be aware something has been changed. (this feature is still underdevelopment)
Install required Packages
npm i @nmanumr/markup-parser
# For NodeJs environment JsDOM is required
# you can install it using:
npm i jsdom
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const { Parser, q } = require('@nmanumr/markup-parser');
const rules = {
'p': q.first().text(),
const dom = new JSDOM('<html><p>Hello world</p></html>');
const data = new Parser()
.parse(dom.window.document.documentElement, rules);
// => { 'p': 'Hello world' }
import { Parser, q } from '@nmanumr/markup-parser');
const rules = {
'p': q.first().text(),
// or alternatively you can also pass a query selected element
// like this:
// const ma
const markup = '<html><p>Hello world</p></html>';
const data = new Parser()
.parse(markup, rules);
// should return text of first p tag
Alternatively, you can also pass a query selected element like this:
const element = document.querySelector('SOME_QUERY');
const data = new Parser()
.parse(element, rules);
Read more about supported functiosn here: Supported Function