
A rule-based markup parser for fast web scrapping.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Markup Parser

A rule-based markup parser for fast web scrapping.

Why markup-parser?

The main motivation behind the development of markup-parser was to write a scrapping tool that can provide following:

  1. Parsing should be done based on straightforward rules. Instead of a lot of query selectors all spread across the JS code.
  2. If the structure of the markup we are parsing is changed our parser should be aware something has been changed. (this feature is still underdevelopment)

Getting Started

Install required Packages

npm i @nmanumr/markup-parser

# For NodeJs environment JsDOM is required
# you can install it using:
npm i jsdom

For NodeJs environment

const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const { Parser, q } = require('@nmanumr/markup-parser');

const rules = {
  'p': q.first().text(),
const dom = new JSDOM('<html><p>Hello world</p></html>');
const data = new Parser()
    .parse(dom.window.document.documentElement, rules);

// => { 'p': 'Hello world' }

For browsers

import { Parser, q } from '@nmanumr/markup-parser');

const rules = {
  'p': q.first().text(),

// or alternatively you can also pass a query selected element
// like this: 
// const ma
const markup = '<html><p>Hello world</p></html>';
const data = new Parser()
    .parse(markup, rules);
// should return text of first p tag

Alternatively, you can also pass a query selected element like this:

const element = document.querySelector('SOME_QUERY');
const data = new Parser()
    .parse(element, rules);

Supported Functions

Read more about supported functiosn here: Supported Function