
This tool scrapes data from Wikipedia and visualizes relevant connected articles using the NetworkX library for Python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Structures Final Project: Wikipedia Network Analysis

Originally Submitted May 8, 2018 to Professor Shreya Kumar.
Click Here for the Project Presentation


This project has been slightly modified from the original; I have updated the formatting of this readme, renamed a few files, and made other small changes.

Dependencies used (Make sure you have these installed!):

  • IPython
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • NetworkX
  • Matplotlib

Thanks for checking out this project!
-Nick (nmarcopo)

Team Members:

Nick Marcopoli (nmarcopo)
Andy Shin (ashin1)
Austin Sura (asura)
Tina Wu (ywu6)


Nick and Andy mainly worked on the visualization part of the project: creating the graph and adding user-interaction features. Tina and Austin mainly worked on the python code that gets the weblinks from each wikipedia page.
Everyone contributed equally to the completion of this project.

Video Demonstration:


Execution of the programs:

To run the backend: ./wikiCrawler.py or ./wikiCrawler.py -h
To run the visualization: open the program in Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook --ip XXXXX --port XXXX --no-browser

Test Suite:

We made a test script (timememory.py) to benchmark the runtime and memory usage of varying numers of links and layers.
A sample of output is shown below:

Wikipedia Article URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortnite

#LINKS #LAYERS Time Usage Memory Usage
1 1 1.008846 36.476562
2 1 1.318799 38.101562
3 1 1.509769 38.398438
4 1 1.751732 40.304688
5 1 2.036690 42.351562
1 2 1.308800 38.660156
2 2 2.553611 48.914062
3 2 3.889408 52.621094
4 2 5.636142 54.152344
5 2 7.903798 54.449219
1 3 1.542764 40.953125
2 3 4.384332 54.925781
3 3 11.133306 60.109375
4 3 24.119331 61.691406
5 3 45.060150 76.214844
1 4 1.743734 42.371094
2 4 9.182603 63.675781
3 4 39.776951 66.445312
4 4 112.903831 72.882812
5 4 259.600525 107.906250

To run the test script: ./timememory.py

Final Notes

As mentioned in our video, it is not possible to test the output every time because wikipedia pages are constantly changing. Therefore, we manually tested the outputs by clicking into the web pages and seeing what links are the most relevant.
Since we used python and did not manually allocate memories, we did not have a memory issue (we tested by running valgrind, but making a sperate script for that did not seem necessary).