
An example app where patients and doctors can manage their appointments

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Health Portal App


The Health Portal App is an example app where patients and doctors can manage their appointments. Headline technologies include:

  • an Express HTTP server for it's backend
  • a React SPA app for it's frontend framework
  • a PostgreSQL database for persistence

See the "Design Topics" section below for more in-depth technical notes on patterns found within the repo.

Get running

system deps
  • PostgreSQL v9.6 (pg_ctl, psql, initdb)
  • PostgreSQL Contrib (chkpass module)
  • Node JS (tested with v6.10.3)
  • clone repo
  • ensure you're on NodeJS v6 (nvm users can just run nvm use in the directory)
  • run npm install to install the node dependencies
  • run npm run init-pg to setup the local postgres database
  • run npm run start-pg to start the local postgres database
  • run npm run init-db to load the application's schema & sample data
running the app
  • run npm start to run the Webpack Dev Server (UI), the Express app and the SCSS build/watch loop
  • you can also run the following commands separately to achieve the same effect:
    • npm run watch-css
    • npm run start-ui
    • npm run watch-server
logging into the app
  • the test patient account login is: patient@patient.com / patient
  • the test doctor account login is: doctor@doctor.com / doctor
running the tests
  • run npm test to run the Jest-based tests

Design Topics

DB Schema & Querying
  • Table Summary
    • users - table of accounts which can be logged into the app. Home of authentication information
    • sessions - table of session tokens (which expire) that are used once a user has authenticated
    • patients - table of patient records, which are optionally linked to users
    • doctors - table doctor records, which are optionally linked to doctors
    • appointments - table of appointments which must link to doctors and users
  • Foreign key constraints are used wherever possible to ensure referrential integrity
  • The app will attempt to create a Postgres "database" named "health_portal" and an associated "health_portal_user" to access the database
  • In the web server code, the various SQL queries used by the endpoints are abstracted as functions in a queries module, instead of being accessed through an ORM or inline SQL statements in endpoint code. This has the pleasant effect of creating a very clear and evident "inventory" of the discreet ways in which the database is interacted with.
  • To securely store passwords with minimal custom code, the Postgres chkpass module is used. read more
  • Two JS syntaxes exist within the app, split by the src and server directories
  • Frontend JS (src) is run through the Babel transpiler and all the ES6 features enabled by create-react-app are available
  • Backend JS (server) is not transpiled and all the ES6 features enabled by NodeJS v6.10.x are available
  • As coded, the two divisions do not share modules, although the door is not closed on such a possibility.
Auth & Security
  • The web server is a standard implementation of Express v4, using a few common "parser" libraries for the interpretation of JSON and cookies
  • Endpoints are grouped into 4 verticals with the following prefixes:
    • /auth-api/* endpoints, are involved in the management of sessions and have no global auth requirements
    • /doctor-api/* endpoints will only work for sessions associated with doctor users
    • /patient-api/* endpoints will only work for sessions associated with patient users
    • /shared-api/* endpoints will work for both doctors and patients
  • The /patient-api/* endpoints should prefer using **/me style endpoints (where the keys to tables are inferred from the session token) whenever possible, to minimize the number of potential ways in which an API could be compromised
  • Auth stickiness is implemented as an HTTPOnly cookie. This mitigates risk of browser-originating malicious attacks on the server.
  • Standard security practices such as using parameterized and typed SQL queries are observed
  • To generate non-predictable, unique identifiers for sessions the Postgres uuid column type is used, along with the node-uuid module (v4 UUIDs are used)
Client Data & Payload Design

The client uses the popular redux framework to manage data on the frontend. Endpoint response payloads are tailored and optimized for the front end experience to minimize the number of outbound HTTP requests and keep the front end data management code as light as possible. A potential downside to this approach is that the API is relatively coupled to the current frontend (and front ends implementing similar features). However, since there is no current need for a more generic REST implemenation, the realizable benefits likely outweigh the theoretical costs.

  • The session endpoints also include "side-loaded" data for bootstrapping the app, such as the list of doctors in the system.
  • While most entities closely resemble their Postgres schemas, the user object includes joined fields such as own_patient_id and own_doctor_id to make front end code more concise and clear.
  • create-react-app was used to skeleton the app, which is a packaged configuration of a react setup with a supporting babel and webpack build system.
  • react-router is used to manage high-level routing of the app. These routes are expressed in the App component, which either redirects the user to another route or renders a component from the components/pages directory, which serve as high-level composers of other components.
  • Common controls are modelled as components to create re-usable interface elements across the application. ex: Button and LabeledInput
  • Views such as PatientDetail and AppointmentDetail are contextualized to either a doctor or patient context using the session data and their parent components.
  • PropTypes and the associated react support are used to document and validate the data input each component expects.
  • Misc. Libraries
    • lodash is used for various helper methods
    • moment is used for the manipulation of dates
    • axios is used as the HTTP request library
  • Styles are written in SCSS. There exist both styles that are tied to specific React components as well as styles used in multiple components. The idea here is to attach styles to components when it makes sense, but not be beholden to the concept, as single-component and cross-component styling strategies are by no means mutually exclusive.
  • Styles use class names that follow a [Component]-[element] naming scheme with optional [modifier] classes. ex:
    • .Button danger
    • .Button
    • .TopNav-link active
    • .TopNav-link
  • Styles which are tied to specific components use the React class name as their [Component] name.
  • The frontend development task (start-ui) leverages the out-of-the-box Webpack+Babel configuration shipped with create-react-app, where conveniences such as Hot Reloading are provided by Webpack Dev Server.
  • The backend development task (watch-server) is simply the nodemon process manager which starts and restarts the server/index.js file in response to changes in the server directory.
  • The css development task (watch-css) is also managed by nodemon, which runs node-sass-chokidar to compile a single css file in response to changes in .scss files in the src directory. Changes to the build CSS are acknowledged and re-served by Webpack Dev Server. (i.e. CSS hot reloading works)

Future Improvements

  • Pooling of Postgres DB connections
  • Tests for front end components
  • Tests against HTTP endpoints
  • Migration framework for database changes over time
  • Implementation of watson (or similar) logging framework for HTTP and Postgres requests on the web server
  • Database Record-level security measures (ensuring there's rules on who can see what rows, beyond the endpoint security)
  • Implement Medical Record uploads
    • Create a medical_records table that represents a file stored on a local server (or perhaps a service such as S3)
    • Create two endpoints (similar to appointments) that allow both doctors and patients to view/download medical records & their associated files.
    • Create a file upload UI that allows doctors and patients to create new medical records.


Login Patient List Patient Detail