is a prompt-based learning technique to generate effective test cases with Large Language Models (LLMs). This is an implementation of a method described in Effective Test Generation Using Pre-trained Large Language Models and Mutation Testing.
starts by calling an initial prompt on LLM (Codex and llama-2-chat) to generate test cases for a Program Under Test (PUT). The initial prompt uses zero-shot or few-shot learning techniques. Then, MuTAP
attempts to repair the syntax and functional errors within the test cases generated by Codex. After generating the test cases, MuTAP
attempts to identify and repair any syntax or functional errors. Once these issues are fixed, MuTAP
generates different mutants for the PUT and calculates the Mutation Score (MS) of the test cases. If there are any surviving mutants, MuTAP
uses them to augment the initial prompt and re-prompt Codex to improve its own output by generating a new test case that can kill the surviving mutants.
At the end of this step, a unit test, including several test cases, will be generated for a PUT
. The test cases are syntactically fixed.
$ python [prompt type] [dataset] [task_num] [script name] [output prefix name] [csv report filename (.csv)]
[prompt type]
defines the type of initial prompt. It isnormal
to indicatezero-shot learning
to indicatefew-shot learning
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[task_num]
is the identifier or task number within the dataset. It is within[1,163]
for theHumanEval
dataset, and within[1,5]
.[script name]
is the name of PUT.[output prefix name]
is the prefix to name the output or the test cases.[csv report filename (.csv)]
is a report on different numbers of attempts on LLMC and fixing its syntax errors. It is up to 10 attempts.
repairs the functional errors in assertions.
$ python [dataset] [task_num] [test name] [output prefix name] [csv report filename (.csv)]
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[task_num]
is the identifier or task number within the dataset. It is within[1,163]
for theHumanEval
dataset, and within[1,5]
.[test name]
is the name of the Initial Unit Test (IUT), generated in step 1.[output prefix name]
is the prefix to name the output or the test cases.[csv report filename (.csv)]
is a report on a summary of functional repair (number of assertions with functional issue, number of fixed, etc.)
We use MutPy
[cite] to generate mutants of a PUT
$ python [dataset] [task_num] [script name] [csv report filename (.csv)]
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[task_num]
is the identifier or task number within the dataset. It is within[1,163]
for theHumanEval
dataset, and within[1,5]
.[script name]
is the name of PUT.[csv report filename (.csv)]
generates reports on different types of mutants that it injected intoPUT
After generating mutants,
calculates the MS for IUT
$ python [dataset] [task_num] [test name] [csv report filename (.csv)]
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[task_num]
is the identifier or task number within the dataset. It is within[1,163]
dataset, and within[1,5]
.[test name]
is the name of the Initial Unit Test (IUT), generated in step 1.[csv report filename (.csv)]
is a report on MS and a list of surviving mutants.
The surviving mutant in step 4 indicates the weaknesses of IUT'. In our prompt-based learning technique,
MuTAPuses those mutants to improve the effectiveness of the
IUT`. The final output is named Augmented Unit Test (AUT).
$ python [prompt type] [dataset] [task_num] [script name] [output prefix name] [csv report filename (.csv)]
[prompt type]
defines the type of initial prompt. It isnormal
to indicatezero-shot learning
to indicatefew-shot learning
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[task_num]
is the identifier or task number within the dataset. It is within[1,163]
for theHumanEval
dataset, and within[1,5]
.[script name]
is the name of PUT.[output prefix name]
is the prefix to name the output or the test cases.[csv report filename (.csv)]
is the report MS and surviving mutants, generated in step 4.
This step merges IUT
with the AUT
python [dataset] [task_num] [inital test name] [augmented test name] [output name]
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[task_num]
is the identifier or task number within the dataset. It is within[1,163]
for theHumanEval
dataset, and within[1,5]
.[inital test name]
is the name of the files including initial test cases.[augmented test name]
is the name of the files including test cases after calling the augmented prompt on LLMC.[output name]
is the name of the file including final test cases.
This step tries to minimize the number of assertions while maximizing the MS.
runs on all PUT
python [dataset] [csv report filename (.csv)]
indicates the database. We have two datasets in our experiment. The first one isHumanEval
and the second one isRefactory
which is a benchmark for bug repairing.[csv report filename (.csv)]' is a report file on applying a greedy algorithm on all
PUT`s within the dataset.
Here is an example of PUT
from the HumanEval
dataset. We used the few-shot learning
technique to generate the initial input for this example.
#the PUT92
def any_int(x, y, z):
if isinstance(x,int) and isinstance(y,int) and isinstance(z,int):
if (x+y==z) or (x+z==y) or (y+z==x):
return True
return False
return False
python MuTAP/ "fewshot" "HumanEval" 92 "script_NDS_" "T_O_FS_synxfixed_" "fewshot_synx_fix.csv"
python MuTAP/ "HumanEval" 92 "T_O_FS_synxfixed_" "T_O_FS_semticfixed_" "fewshot_semantic_fix.csv"
python MuTAP/ "HumanEval" 92 "script_NDS_" "mutant_type.csv"
python MuTAP/ "HumanEval" 92 "T_O_FS_semticfixed_" "fewshot_mutant_score.csv"
python MuTAP/ "fewshot" "HumanEval" 92 "T_O_FS_semticfixed_" "test_oracle_FS_Mut_" "fewshot_mutant_score.csv"
python MuTAP/ "HumanEval" 92 "T_O_FS_semticfixed_" "test_oracle_FS_Mut_" "T_O_FS_Mut_all_"
python MuTAP/ "HumanEval" "greedy_FS_results.scv"
The final test case that MuTAP
generates for this example PUT
is as follows:
def test():
assert any_int(3, 2, 5) == True
assert any_int(-3, -2, 1) == True
assert any_int(3, 2, 2) == False
assert any_int(3, 2, 1) == True
assert any_int(3.6, -2.2, 2) == False
Test cases generated by both initial prompt types, before and after augmentation are stored into two jsonl files: Codex_test.jsonl.gz
and llama2_test.jsonl.gz
loads all test cases into a pickle file.
Effective Test Generation Using Pre-trained Large Language Models and Mutation Testing
title={Effective Test Generation Using Pre-trained Large Language Models and Mutation Testing},
author={Arghavan Moradi Dakhel, Amin Nikanjam, Vahid Majdinasab, Foutse Khomh, Michel C. Desmarais},