
This Kong plugin authenticates and authorizes a client by using "authorization" and "fiware-service" header

Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Test Lint

Kong plugin Fiware-Service Key-Auth

This Kong plugin authenticates a HTTP client similar to the "key-auth" plugin by using auth header, and authorizes the client by verifying that the value of "fiware-service" header corresponds to the client's credential.

This plugin would help you to improve the security level of fiware-orion's multi-tenancy by using Kong API Gateway.

Try this plugin


  1. You should make docker & docker compose plugin available.
  2. Clone this repository like below:
    git clone https://github.com/nmatsui/kong-plugin-FiwarService-KeyAuth.git
    cd kong-plugin-FiwarService-KeyAuth

Start Kong API Gateway & fiware-orion

  1. Build a customized kong image which is installed this plugin.
    docker compose build
  2. Start containers.
    docker compose up -d
  3. Wait a moment until the containers are ready.

Make this plugin available

  1. Make sure that this plugin is available.
    curl -s http://localhost:8001/ | jq '.plugins.available_on_server."fiwareservice-keyauth"'
  2. Create a service and a route.
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services \
         -d "name=orion" -d "url=http://orion:1026"
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/orion/routes \
         -d "hosts[]=orion.example.com"
  3. Enable this plugin for the created service.
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/orion/plugins \
         -d "name=fiwareservice-keyauth"

Register test tenants

  1. Register a consumer with the tenant name as its username, and map a key-auth credential to that consumer.
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/consumers -d "username=tenant1"
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/consumers/tenant1/key-auth \
         -d "key=a_credential_of_tenant1"

    You should change the above credential.

  2. Similary, register another tenant.
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/consumers -d "username=tenant2"
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/consumers/tenant2/key-auth \
         -d "key=a_credential_of_tenant2"

Try authorization and authentication by this plugin

  1. You are not authenticate without a credential
    curl -i http://localhost:8000/version -H "Host: orion.example.com"
  2. Even if your credential is correct, you can not access other tenants.
    curl -i http://localhost:8000/version -H "Host: orion.example.com" \
         -H "Authorization: a_credential_of_tenant1" -H "fiware-service: tenant2"
  3. If the credential/tenant pair is correct, you are allowed to use fiware-orion.
    curl -i http://localhost:8000/version -H "Host: orion.example.com" \
         -H "Authorization: a_credential_of_tenant1" -H "fiware-service: tenant1"

Try multi-tenancy with fiware-orion

  1. Tenant1's owner registers a new Entity.
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8000/v2/entities -H "Host: orion.example.com" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -H "Authorization: a_credential_of_tenant1" -H "fiware-service: tenant1" \
         -d @- << __EOS__
      "id": "Room1",
      "type": "Room",
      "temperature": {
        "value": 23,
        "type": "Float"
      "pressure": {
        "value": 720,
        "type": "Float"
  2. Tenant1's owner can retrieve that registered Entity.
    curl -s http://localhost:8000/v2/entities/Room1 -H "Host: orion.example.com" \
         -H "Authorization: a_credential_of_tenant1" -H "fiware-service: tenant1" | jq .
  3. Tenant2's owner can not detect Entities registerd as tenant1 in the first place.
    curl -s http://localhost:8000/v2/entities -H "Host: orion.example.com" \
         -H "Authorization: a_credential_of_tenant2" -H "fiware-service: tenant2" | jq .
  4. Of cource, tenant2's owner can not retrieve tenant1's Entities by his credential.
    curl -s http://localhost:8000/v2/entities/Room1 -H "Host: orion.example.com" \
         -H "Authorization: a_credential_of_tenant2" -H "fiware-service: tenant1" | jq .

Shut down Kong API Gateway & fiware-orion

  1. Shut down containers.
    docker compose down


Parameter Type required? Default Description
name string required The name of the plugin, in this case fiwareservice-keyauth
config.auth_header string optional authorization Describes an authentication header name where this plugin will look for a credential. The key names may only contain [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] and [-].
config.fiwareservice_header string optional Fiware-Service Describes the Fiware-Service header name.
config.hide_credentials boolean optional false An optional boolean value telling this plugin to send or not to send the credential to the upstream service. If true, this plugin strips the credential from the request header before proxying it to upstream.

Container images

Module Version Repository
Kong API Gateway kong:3.1.1-alpine Docker official
fiware orion fiware/orion:3.8.0 Fiware official
PostgreSQL postgres:15.1-bullseye Docker official
MongoDB mongo:4.4 Docker official


This plugin is designed to work with the kong-pongo.
Please check out kong-pongo's README files for usage instructions. For a complete walkthrough check this blogpost on the Kong website.


Apache-2.0 License


Copyright (c) 2023 Nobuyuki Matsui nobuyuki.matsui@gmail.com