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A very simple package that contains a few functions that perform SVD-based orbital rotations. This doesn't depend on any particular electronic structure theory packages, only numpy/scipy.

Function: svd_subspace_partitioning

Find orbitals that most strongly overlap with the projector, P, by doing rotations within each orbital block. This function will split a list of Orbital Spaces up into separate fragment and environment blocks, while maintiaing the same number of fragment orbitals as specified by the projector.

For example, if we have 3 orbital blocks, say the occupied, singly, and virtual orbitals,

CF, CE  = svd_subspace_partitioning([Cocc, Csing, Cvirt], P, S)
(Cocc_f, Csing_f,  Cvirt_f) = CF
(Cocc_e, Csing_e,  Cvirt_e) = CE

we will get back the list of fragment orbitals from each space, and a list of environment orbitals from each space. This function above, keeps only the largest singular values across all subspaces, so that the number of columns in each of the CF blocks is equal to the number for fragment orbitals (i.e., the rank of the projector).

Function: svd_subspace_partitioning_orth

Find orbitals that most strongly overlap with the list of orthogonalized AOs listed in frag, by doing rotations within each orbital block. This function will split a list of Orbital Spaces up into separate fragment and environment blocks, while maintiaing the same number of fragment orbitals as specified by the projector.

For example, if we have 3 orbital blocks, say the occupied, singly, and virtual orbitals,

CF, CE  = svd_subspace_partitioning([Cocc, Csing, Cvirt], frag, S)
(Cocc_f, Csing_f,  Cvirt_f) = CF
(Cocc_e, Csing_e,  Cvirt_e) = CE

we will get back the list of fragment orbitals from each space, and a list of environment orbitals from each space.

Function: svd_subspace_partitioning_nonorth

Find orbitals that most strongly overlap with the list of non-orthogonalized AOs listed in frag, by doing rotations within each orbital block. This function will split a list of Orbital Spaces up into separate fragment and environment blocks, while maintiaing the same number of fragment orbitals as specified by the projector.

For example, if we have 3 orbital blocks, say the occupied, singly, and virtual orbitals,

CF, CE  = svd_subspace_partitioning([Cocc, Csing, Cvirt], frag, S)
(Cocc_f, Csing_f,  Cvirt_f) = CF
(Cocc_e, Csing_e,  Cvirt_e) = CE

we will get back the list of fragment orbitals from each space, and a list of environment orbitals from each space.

Function: sym_ortho

Symmetrically orthogonalize list of MO coefficients. E.g.,

[C1, C2, C3, ... ] = sym_ortho([C1, C2, C3, ...], S, thresh=1e-8):

where each Cn matrix is a set of MO vectors in the AO basis, $C_{\mu,p}$.

Function: canonicalize

Given an AO Fock matrix, rotate each orbital block in orbital_blocks to diagonalize F

[C1, C2, C3, ... ] = canonicalize([C1, C2, C3, ...], F)

Function: extract_frontier_orbitals

Given an AO Fock matrix, split each orbital block into 3 spaces, NDocc, NAct, Nvirt

Cenv, Cact, Cvir = extract_frontier_orbitals([C1, C2, C3, ...], F, dims)
(Cenv1, Cenv2, ...) = Cenv
(Cact1, Cact2, ...) = Cact
(Cvir1, Cvir2, ...) = Cvir

`dims` = [(#env, #act, #vir), (#env, #act, #vir), ...]
`F`: the fock matrix  

Function: spade_partitioning (NYI)

In SPADE (ref), the occupied space is partitioned into two smaller spaces:

  1. the fragment space: the orbitals that most strongly overlaps with a user specified set of atoms (or rather their basis functions). This is computed by performing an SVD of the projection of the occupied orbitals onto the specified AOs. The fragment orbitals are thus the span of the projected AO's. In the original paper, we also truncated the number of orbitals we keep, by dividing at the largest gap in the singular values.
  2. the environment space: the remaining orbitals. This includes not only the null space of the projected occupied orbitals, but also any singular vectors discarded from the fragment space.

example usage:

C_frag, C_env = spade_partitioning(C_occ, P, S)


  • C_occ is a numpy matrix of the occupied MO coefficients, $C_{\mu,i}$
  • P is a AO x nfrag projection matrix (really it's the span of the projection matrix) that defines the AO's to project onto, defining the fragment. For typical cases, this will just be selected columns of the $S^{1/2}_{\mu\nu}$ matrix, indicating that the occupied space is being projected onto the symetrically orthogonalized AOs. Keeping only columns of the identity matrix corresponds to projection onto the non-orthogonal AOs.
  • S is the AO x AO overlap matrix.

Function: DMET_partitioning (NYI)


Copyright (c) 2023, Nick Mayhall


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.1.