
Gulp starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GulGul (WIP)



The configuration file must exports tasks object. tasks is the place where all gulp tasks will be registered and optionally configured. In most cases, gulp task should run some usefull function. Such function can be exported from separate module under tasks directory. Module name must be the same as task name.

Each of tasks may run child tasks. This was implement in order to have the ability to build multiple icon packs or multiple CSS bundles for example.

To create such a task simply define the task as an array of options. In that case, each options must contain one of id > name > bundleName field in order to properly set name for child task.

For example, if you need to build multiple CSS bundles, then you have to define task styles as:

styles: [ {bundleName: 'first', /*...*/},  { bundleName: 'second', /*...*/}]

Now for build one of the bundles separately you able to run separate task: styles:first or styles:second. And task styles will run them both.

Each task also may contain such fields:

  • src: string|string[] Input path. Usually will be passed to gulp.src();
  • dest: string Output path. Usually will be passed to gulp.dest();
  • watch: boolean|string|string[] You can simply set this to true, and in this case, src will be used as a path to watch for file changes, or you can set custom path to watch (it will be provided to the gulp.watch()).
  • deps: string[] An array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run. Will be passed to run-sequence.

Built in tasks:

  • templates

    onlyChanged?: boolean

    Default false.

    Render only changed templates.

    pathToEnvModule?: string

    Default null.

    Path to manageEnv module. More here.

    pathToLocales?: string

    Default null.

    Path to directory with locales for templates. All .yml, .yaml or .json files from here will be read, parsed, merged and passed into template via nunjucksOptions.data.

    nunjucksOptions?: Object

    Default {path: [/* src paths */], data: {/* localeData */}, envOptions: {watch: false, trimBlocks: true, lstripBlocks: true, autoescape: false}}.

    Options for gulp-nunjucks-render.

    prettifyOptions?: Object

    Default {indent_size: 2, wrap_attributes: 'auto', preserve_newlines: true, end_with_newline: true,}.

    Options for gulp-prettify (HTML sections)

    changedOptions?: Object

    Default { extension: '.html' }.

    Options for gulp-changed.

  • styles

    bundleName: string

    Default name.

    sourceMap?: boolean

    Default true.

    sassOptions?: Object

    Default { precision: 5, outputStyle: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'compressed' : 'expanded', includePaths: ['node_modules'] }. Options for gulp-sass/node-sass

    autoprefixerOptions?: Object

    Default { browsers: ['> 1%'], cascade: false }.

  • webpack

    webpackWatch?: boolean

    When true webpack will start in watch mode.

    webpackConfigFile?: string

    Path to webpack configuration file. Specify your own configuration file. Default configuration are defined inside tasks/webpack.js file.

    The simplest way to register webpack task is adding a field webpack: {} in tasks config. And with additional watch task: webpack: { watch: 'path/to/scripts' }. In this case, gulp watcher will run webpack whenever files changes.

    But the more efficient way is to let webpack watch for file changes by himself. To do that, split webpack task into two child tasks:

    webpack: [{ name: 'run' }, { name: 'watch', webpackWatch: true }]

    Now you have webpack:run for the regular build and webpack:watch for watch mode.

  • icons

    bundleName?: string

    Default icons.

    Name of icon bundle. Also used as the filename for generated images, styles and preview files.

    src: string|string[]

    Path to *.svg files. Will be passed to the gulp.src().

    dest: string

    Path to where to store generated sprite. Will be passed to the gulp.dest().

    stylesDest: string

    Path to where to store generated styles. Will be passed to the gulp.dest().

    previewDest?: string

    Path to where to store generated html preview. Will be passed to the gulp.dest().

    watch?: boolean|string|string[]

    Default false.

    You can simply set this to true, and in this case, src will be used as a path to watch for file changes, or you can set custom path to watch (it will be provided to the gulp.watch()).

    className: string

    Default icon.

    Base css class name. Also used as a prefix for each icon in the bundle.

    secondaryColor?: string

    Default ''.

    CSS color. Can be any color. During build process this color will be raplaced by 'currentColor'. This little trick gives us ability to use dual color icons. Later in css main color of icon can be set with 'fill' property, and secondary color with 'color' property.

    ignoreCleanupFor?: string|string[]|RegExp|(symbol: Cheerio) => boolean

    Exclude some icons from cleanup process. During build process from each icon will be removed fill, stroke and opacity attributes. This is necessary in order to gain control over these properties from CSS. Ignored icons will be included in sprite as is.

    ratioPrecision?: number

    Default 2.

    Precision for icon size ratio.

    stylesTemplate: string

    Default template.sass. Path to styles template (relative to task js file).

    previewTemplate: string

    Default preview.html. Path to preview page template (relative to task js file).

    preview?: boolean

    Default true.

    Toggle preview for icon bundle.

  • server

    Default {port: 3000, notify: false, ghostMode: false, open: false}.

    Options for browser-sync.

  • revision

    manifestFilename?: string

    Default asset-manifest.json.

    revOptions?: {}

    Options for gulp-rev.

    revDeleteOptions?: {}

    Options for gulp-rev-delete-original.

    revReplaceOptions?: {}

    Options for gulp-rev-replace.