
Gulp workflow for ninjas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Asset builder

node v6+ is required

Tasks list:

Task name Description
default run build:dev and watch tasks
build build project for "production" environment (optimized code without sourcemaps)
build:dev build project for "development" environment (not optimized code with sourcemaps)
watch run all gulp file watchers
styles compile *.styl to *.css with help of postcss (with autoprefixer by default, but other plugins can be included as well)
scripts concat separate .js files into one with gulp-icnlude
webpack compile .js sources into bundle file with webpack and babel
copy copy common files from source into ./build folder
templates compile nunjucks templates
iconfonts generate iconfonts from svg sources
svgsprites generate svg symbol sprites (css-tricks)
sprites generate png sprites with spritesmith
imagemin optimize all images (png, svg, jpeg, jpg, gif) in source folder.
Only new or changed (from the last run of this task) files will be touched. You can force optimization for all files with imagemin:force task
server run dev-server powered by BrowserSync
clean remove ./build folder

Tasks details

By default, each task (except build) will run in "development" environment, but you can run it in "production" with flag --prod (example: gulp styles --prod).

Tasks iconfonts, svgsprites , sprites can generate multiple sets. For more details look into the code, but the main idea is: we have a collection of descriptions (simple array). Each item in this collection is a simple js object that describes how a set should be named, which of source files need to be included in it, and other specific settings. For each set, we also create (automatically) a new namespaced gulp task. For example, if we have two sprite sets with names "foo" and "bar", then we get tasks called sprites:foo and sprites:bar.

Almost all task also can be individually started in watch mode with suffix :watch (for example sprites:watch, or scripts:watch).

SRC and DEST helpers

When projects folder structure is described in gulpfile.js/config.js, then we can use helpers SRC and DEST when we need to get an src or dest path. That allow us describe a structure of the project in one place, and make more structure-independent tasks. These helpers are simple functions, that returns path as string or array of strings (exactly what we need to pass to the gulp.src() or gulp.dest() functions). For more details look into the code.

Example usage:

/* config.js */
const SRC = setupPathsGetters(joinPaths({
  scripts : 'js',
}, 'src'));

/* scripts.js */
SRC.scripts(); // => 'src/js'
SRC.scripts('**/*.js'); // => 'src/js/**/.*js'
SRC.scripts('**/*.js', '!/subfolder/**/*'); // => ['src/js/**/.*js', '!src/js/subfolder/**/*']