A series of classes that make it easier to create Querys and objects based on database tables. There are three main classes Items, Modals, and Tables. Items are Object classes that can be used with your activitys to get data. Modal Classes are Used to generate these Item classes, Lists of Item Classes or write up any other querys you want to write. Table classes are used for the inital build of the database and to set values for what does and doesn't sync up to your server when you request
minSdkVersion 19
Add the JitPack maven repository to the list of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Add dependencies
implementation 'com.github.nmc9:ITM_Database_Android:v1.3.2-beta'
Note*: This code can be seen in the exmaple app that comes along
It's recommended to create a database folder in your project and inside that folder add three more
- Item
- Table
- Modal These will hold all your ITM classes.
Next create a subclass of DatabaseHelper and UpgradeHelper
Now you can create ITM classes
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Inspiration
- etc