
A plug and play way to easily read data from your connected Victron VE.Direct devices

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A plug and play way to easily read data from your connected Victron VE.Direct devices


0.0.7: [Feature]
--Ability to use with devices with no passed serial number
--Added support for Victron SmartShunt devices
0.0.6: [Feature]
--Added all methods, constructor parameters and events documentation on README.md
0.0.5: [Feature breaking changes!] 
--Improved events naming, types and listener
--Implement reset functionality
--Implement custom VE.Direct devices paths constructor parameter
0.0.4: [Hotfix]
--Fixes incorrect identification of VE.Direct serial port interfaces


  1. Connect your Victron device using the VE.Direct USB interface to your Raspberry or Linux x86-64 based computer

  2. npm i @devalexdom/victron-vedirect-pnp

  3. Run:

const VEDirectPnP = require("@devalexdom/victron-vedirect-pnp");
const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.on("stream-init", () => {
    "HQ21340EFYE": {
        "deviceName": "SmartSolar MPPT 100|50",
        "deviceSN": "HQ21340EFYE",
        "deviceType": "MPPT",
        "deviceFirmwareVersion": 1.59,
        "batteryVoltage": 28.32,
        "batteryCurrent": 21.2,
        "statusMessage": "Absorption",
        "errorMessage": "",
        "mpptMessage": "Voltage or current limited",
        "maximumPowerToday": 909,
        "maximumPowerYesterday": 835,
        "totalEnergyProduced": 130.4,
        "energyProducedToday": 1.98,
        "energyProducedYesterday": 3.55,
        "photovoltaicPower": 608,
        "photovoltaicVoltage": 37.32,
        "photovoltaicCurrent": 16.291532690246516,
  1. And start making great green things 🌱🌍!

A more detailed usage

const VEDirectPnP = require("@devalexdom/victron-vedirect-pnp");
const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP({ veDirectDevicesPath: "/dev/serial/by-id/" }); //Optional parameter to set the directory path of the VE.Direct USB interfaces
dataReader.on("stream-init", () => {
        const allDevicesData = dataReader.getDevicesData();
        /* If your device serial number is HQ21340EFYE the expected output will be:
            deviceName: 'SmartSolar MPPT 100|50',
            deviceSN: 'HQ21340EFYE',
            deviceType: 'MPPT',
            deviceFirmwareVersion: 1.59,
            batteryVoltage: 25.49, //Volts
            batteryCurrent: 0, //Amps
            statusMessage: 'Off',
            errorMessage: '',
            mpptMessage: 'Off',
            maximumPowerToday: 835, //Watts
            maximumPowerYesterday: 837, //Watts
            totalEnergyProduced: 128.42, //kWh
            energyProducedToday: 3.55, //kWh
            energyProducedYesterday: 3.63, //kWh
            photovoltaicPower: 0, //Watts
            photovoltaicVoltage: 0.82, //Volts
            photovoltaicCurrent: 0, //Amps
            loadCurrent: 0, //Amps
            loadOutputState: true,
            relayState: false,
            offReasonMessage: 'No input power',
            daySequenceNumber: 142,
            VEDirectData: {
                PID: 41047,
                FW: 159,
                'SER#': 'HQ21340EFYE',
                V: 25490,
                I: 0,
                VPV: 820,
                PPV: 0,
                CS: 0,
                MPPT: 0,
                OR: 1,
                ERR: 0,
                LOAD: 'ON',
                H19: 12842,
                H20: 355,
                H21: 835,
                H22: 363,
                H23: 837,
                HSDS: 142,
                dataTimeStamp: 1643058077196
    }, 1000);

//Handling errors
dataReader.on("error", (error) => {

Constructor parameters

Optional VEDirectDevicesPath?: string

By default "/dev/serial/by-id/", the path where the VE.Direct interfaces will be searched

Optional customVEDirectDevicesPaths?: Array

Manually sets the VE.Direct interfaces paths

Optional fallbackSerialNumber?: string

Manually sets a fallback serial number for any VE.Direct device detected without one. This options is necessary for connecting to devices such as Victron SmartShunt.

new VEDirectPnP({
    veDirectDevicesPath: "/dev/serial/by-id/", 
    customVEDirectDevicesPaths: ["/dev/serial/by-id/usb-VictronEnergy_BV_VE_Direct_cable_VE83Y8X8-if00-port0"],
    fallbackSerialNumber: "HQ2141DJ7FU"


getDevicesData():{ [key: string]: IVEDirectPnP_DeviceData }

Returns a key -> value, the key is the serial number of the Victron device, value the processed stream data

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.on("interface-found", (eventData) => {
    eventData: IVEDirectPnP_EventData
        message: string;
        dataDump: any;
        eventName: string;

on(eventName:string, callback:eventData):void

Listen to VEDirectPnP events

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.on("interface-found", (eventData) => {
    eventData: IVEDirectPnP_EventData
        message: string;
        dataDump: any;
        eventName: string;

With the "all" wildcard the listener will fire with all events

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.on("all", console.log);
  message: 'Found VE.Direct serial port interface',
  dataDump: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-VictronEnergy_BV_VE_Direct_cable_VE83Y8X8-if00-port0',
  eventName: 'interface-found'
  message: 'VE.Direct device connected through serial port',
  dataDump: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-VictronEnergy_BV_VE_Direct_cable_VE83Y8X8-if00-port0',
  eventName: 'device-connection-open'
  message: 'VE.Direct devices data stream init',
  eventName: 'stream-init'



Destroys the data stream from VE.Direct devices

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
    //callback when data stream is destroyed (All serial ports connection closed)


Resets the data stream from VE.Direct devices

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.reset(); //Be aware that the event "stream-init" will be emitted again


Cleans the cached data from VE.Direct devices stream

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();


Initializes the data stream from VE.Direct devices

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.init(); //Initializes data stream from VE.Direct devices (Called on VEDirectPnP constructor)



Emitted when the VE.Direct devices starts sending data through serial port


Emitted when the VE.Direct devices stream has been destroyed (All serial ports connection closed)


Emitted when a critical error occurs with a (hopelly) helpful message


Emitted when a VE.Direct interface is automatically detected (The plug and play way)


Emitted when a connection to the VE.Direct device is opened


Emitted when a connection to the VE.Direct device suffers an error

const dataReader = new VEDirectPnP();
dataReader.on("device-connection-error", () => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);
});//Example to reestablish a lost connection, it's not tested but should do the trick ;)

Pending things to code

  1. Victron Phoenix Inverters data mapping
  2. Victron BMV data mapping
  3. Victron Phoenix Charger data mapping
  4. Kill the bugs


VE.Direct protocol 3.29 documentation.


VE.Direct parser using Stream interface @bencevans/ve.direct.