microprofile.io Configuration Project

This project holds all the configuration and editable content of the projects published at https://microprofile.io/.

In order to preview the pages locally, execute

mvn package

Afterwards, adoc files in pages folder will be available in target/generated-adoc/pages/


Site pages are configured by files in pages folder. They can be in any markup supported by GitHub, but adoc format is preferred.

Page configuration files

A page is configured by:

  • markup file (e.g. .adoc) - it defines the page body and name

  • yaml file (e.g. .adoc.yaml) - it has the same name as the markup file plus .yaml, defines additional attributes of the page in yaml format

Yaml configuration contains:

  • h1 - main header of the page

  • h2 - secondary (longer) header of the page

ADOC syntax specific

When referring to another page, always use external links, such as link:mission.adoc[microprofile.io]. Otherwise the links will not work in the application.