Working project of Clash which is a technical MCQ based event in Credenz organised by PICT IEEE Student Branch
For Reverse Coding 19', refer
- To install pip: sudo apt install python3-pip
- To install virtualenv: sudo pip3 install virtualenv
- To start virtualenv: virtualenv venv
- To activate virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
- To deactivate virtualenv: deactivate
- To install requirements and run project:
- Activate virtualenv
- To install dependencies required pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run python makemigrations
- Run python migrate to make migrations
- Add a few questions in the database to see functioning
- To run clash python runserver
- Enjoy!
Front end:
- CSS3
- Javascript and AJAX
Back end:
- Django 3.0.5 (Python web framework)
Database used:
- SQLite3
- User authentication
- Timer
- Conditional controlling of HTML elements
- Dealing with garbage url