
Source code for the paper "Deep Learning Sparse Ternary Projections For Compressed Sensing of Images"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the source code for the paper titled "Deep Learning Sparse Ternary Projections For Compressed Sensing of Images"


- Tensorflow 
- Numpy 
- h5py 
- opencv (cv2) 

The code has been tested in Ubuntu 14.04 and MacOSX, with

- Tensorflow v.1.2.1
- Numpy v.1.12.1 
- h5py v.2.7.0
- opencv (cv2) v.2.4.11


Prepare training data

Currently, my dataset of patches is not too big (~5GB) so during training, a DataLoader instance will load all the training patches into memory to feed the network. To train with your own data, you may need to create a training set of image patches and store it as a hdf5 database. Alternatively, you can write your own DataLoader to load and feed your network from your own dataset.

A sample hdf5 database, with 2000 32x32 image patches, is provided in data folder. Note that this small database is just a sample to show how the data should be prepared, and it is too small to train a well-performing model.

In order to get good model, a much larger training database is necessary. To reproduce the results reported in the paper, you are recommended to download the dataset with 5 million patches. (Note: Due to the strict policy of my university's admin, I cannot share the permanently the download link to this dataset. If you want to download it, please create a new issue here or send me an email.)


The configs.py file sets all the default configurations and hyper-parameters. There are some other hyperparameters inside train.py and test.py To use your own configurations, you can either edit these files, or put your configurations as flags

For example:

python train.py --n_epochs=50 --initial_lr=0.005


After preparing your dataset and set all the necessary hyper-parameters, you are ready to train your model. Run train.py, together with our hyper-parameters, to start the training, for example:

python train.py --db_fname=./data/patches_32x32_2k.h5 --batch_size=50 --output_basedir=output

or to train the model with the big database downloaded from the link above:

python train.py --db_fname=./data/imagenet_val_32x32_5m.h5 --batch_size=5000 --output_basedir=output

The trained model will be saved into output/snapshots


After training the model, you can test it with your images using the test function.

python test.py --test_folder=test_images

All images (jpg, png, tif) inside the test folder will be used for evaluation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


If you find the source code useful, please cite us:

D. M. Nguyen, E. Tsiligianni and N. Deligiannis, "Deep learning sparse ternary projections for compressed sensing of images," 2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2017, pp. 1125-1129.