
Simple Shopping Cart written in Golang.

Go get it!

go get


After go-getting, the binary build $GOBIN/shoppingcart should already be present.

Run it in the same folder with product-catalog.json


Product Catalog

You may edit product-catalog.json to reflect changes to available products

Promotional Rules

At first, I thought of implementing the rules in something like pricing-rules.json. But due to the extra overhead I opted to write it in rules.go instead.


You can either run the commands in $GOPATH/src/ or you may also copy the product-catalog.json file from that folder and put it in some other directory. The important thing is to make sure that $GOBIN variable is already set. If it is not yet set, I think it is set by default to $GOPATH/bin directory.

  1. Run shoppingcart (This will search for product-catalog.json in the same folder)
  2. You may type help to list all available commands
  3. Just to provide you with some commands right away, here's a list of the important commands to remember:
  4. Type catalog to show the different products and their prices.
  5. In order to add items to cart, the usage is add <id> [quantity]
  6. Use cart to show cart summary which provides you the total price and the total items you can expect to get after purchasing.
  7. If you wish to apply a promo code, type promo <code> (eg. promo I<3AMAYSIM)

Tests and Coverage

2 tests: amaysim/cart_test.go and amaysim/rules_test.go. In order to run both tests, run go test -coverprofile=testprofile ./amaysim/