
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repo will automatically setup a "CI/CD" environment on the laptop with: Gitlab, Jenkins, Consul, Minishift and some default pipeline/examples

The documentation of the examples with labs can be found hee: https://f5-ci-cd-lab.readthedocs.io/en/master/


CentOs specific requirements:

Prepare the CentOs platforms

  • The user must be allowed to do sudo commands without password (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-edit-the-sudoers-file-on-ubuntu-and-centos)

    sudo visudo
    # add a line like this: 
    "centos ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL"
  • You must have created a ssh key and use ssh-copy-id locally on the IP of the device (not localhost)\

    ssh-copy-id centos@hostIP
  • Disable SELinux (a reboot is required after)

    sudo vi /etc/selinux/config
    # and modify 
    "SELINUX=enforcing" to: "SELINUX=disabled"
  • Reboot the instance


sudo yum update -y
sudo yum upgrade -y
sudo yum install -y  git docker net-tools wget firewalld
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start firewalld
sudo systemctl enable firewalld
# Allow the user to run docker command without sudo - needed for Minishift
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

If you use vanilla CentOS, you need to:

sudo yum install libvirt -y
sudo yum install quemu-kvm -y
sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $(whoami)
newgrp libvirt

see: https://docs.okd.io/latest/minishift/getting-started/setting-up-virtualization-environment.html

Make sure that your PATH variable contains /usr/local/bin

PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; export PATH

Reboot your VM. it's required to be able to run docker command without sudo. Changes won't be taken into account until a restart is done.

Make sure that docker and firewalld are runnning:

sudo systemctl status docker
sudo systemctl status firewalld

Installing the env - pipeline tools


On one of the VM, we will install all the pipeline tools:

  • Gitlab
  • Jenkins
  • Consul

To install the pipeline tools, retrieve the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/nmenant/ci-cd-env-setup
cd ci-cd-env-setup


  build-env.sh pipeline

to install the different components:

  • Update the system
  • A user-defined network (ci-cd-docker-net) in docker will be created (
  • Gitlab will run on
  • Jenkins will run on
  • Consul will run on

Everything will be started at the same time

Installing the env - minishift

On the other VM, we will install minishift

To install minishift, retrieve the github repository:

git clone https://github.com/nmenant/ci-cd-env-setup
cd ci-cd-env-setup


  build-env.sh minishift 

to install minishift:

  • Update the system
  • Install Minishift in the VM. You'll be requested for the IP of this VM, the IP of the VM running the pipeline tools and the IP of the BIG-IP Consider that the credentials are admin/admin to it - if not, you need to update the Consul KV for BIG-IP credentials - see below)

Once minishift started, its GUI will be available on https://IP:8443/console

login by default with:

  • Login: dev
  • Password: dev


Here is the list of login/password for the different tools:

  • Gitlab: TenantA/Pa55w0rd
  • Jenkins: TenantA/Pa55w0rd
  • Minishift: dev/dev
  • Consul: no auth needed to handle the kv database

Finalize the setup

There is one last step to do to finalize your setup: update the service definition tied to the demo app.

To update the service definition, you may go to your gitlab http://IP:1080/tenanta/my-webapp-ci-cd-demo/blob/dev/my-adc-cluster/service-definition.json

You need to edit this file to change :

  • the Virtual Server IP Address of the service.

    "virtualAddresses": [ "" ],

  • the URI of the security policy.

change the following line to replace with the IP of your VM running Gitlab:

 "url": "",

This will trigger a webhook in Jenkins but it's irrelevant, it won't be processed

Trigger a deployment/Delete the app

To deploy/delete the App, it is fairly straightforward. You need to add/delete the "DELETE" file in the repo my-webapp-ci-cd-demo.

Don't forget to go to the Dev branch!!!

By default this file exist. You just need to delete it from the repo and the app will be deployed.

If you want to remove the App, you just need to put back a DELETE file at the root of the directory.

you have a more detailed lab guide here: https://f5-ci-cd-lab.readthedocs.io/en/master/class1/module2/module2.html

UDF - Restart the environment

If you switch off/pause off your VMs, you'll need to restart some of your components:

  • the gitlab/jenkins/consul containers should restart automatically since they have been started with the option --restart always

  • You'll need to start again minishift. To do this, just run again the command in the ci-cd-env-setup folder

    build-env.sh minishift

Update Consul

Consul can be used to store infrastructure information leveraged by Jenkins. By default it contains the following default KV:



They are used in the 2 default jenkins pipeline. You still need to update a few variables based on your env:

  • you need to update minishift_ip with the IP of your minishift cluster. You can get this information with the command

    minishift ip
  • you need to update minishift_token with the token you'll get by creating a service account allowed to do API calls in your minishift project (https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.10/rest_api/index.html - right now there is a bug in the doc, it's

    eval $(minishift oc-env)
    oc policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:test:robot
    oc serviceaccounts get-token robot > robot-token.json

and not oc policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccounts:test:robot)

  • you need to update cluster_ips with the cluster of your BIG-IPs. You can put a single IP for a standalone deployment

    curl -X PUT -d cluster_ip
  • if you changed the default credentials of your BIG-IP, you'll need to also update cluster_credentials. Consul credentials have the format of "username:password"

    curl -X PUT -d username:password tenanta/ADC-Services/cluster-nicolas/cluster_credentials

Update those values accordingly to your infrastructure

# To check a key value:
# Consul encodes values per default in base64. To optain a non base64 value the GET request has to end with "?raw"
# If "?raw" is not appendd then Consul will respond with a json blob and an base64 encoded value.

# To update the value of a key:
curl -X PUT -d "value"
# To update the BIG-IP credentials: 
curl -X PUT -d username:password tenanta/ADC-Services/cluster-nicolas/cluster_credentials