
Machine Learning by Nimshi Venkat

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Machine Learning Blog


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


The website is intended to make it quick and easy for me to share my learnings in Machine Learning. The website should provide contenent ranging from theoretical foundations to advanced concepts across multiple domains, and provide visitors the opportunity to correct or add additional information.


Interested in contributing to Machine Learning Blog? We'd love your help. Machine Learning Blog is an open source project, built one contribution at a time by users like you. See the CONTRIBUTING file for instructions on how to contribute.

Previewing the website locally

If you'd like to preview the theme locally (for example, in the process of proposing a change):

  1. Clone down the theme's repository (git clone https://github.com/nmeripo/darkknowledge.git)
  2. cd into the theme's directory
  3. Run script/bootstrap to install the necessary dependencies
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve to start the preview server
  5. Visit localhost:4000 in your browser to preview the theme