This demo presents an excerpt of the entire agent framework that has been implemented and is discussed in the K-Cap 2019 paper. The idea of this demo is to show how the Miniwob++ benchmark was utilized for evaluating different agents (e.g. trained DQNN agent, untrained DQNN agent, rule-based agent) regarding warm-start and adaptivity to new tasks. Therefore, we pre-trained by the simulation framework (see previous works [1] and [2]) a DQNN that is utilized by one of the agents (QLearnAgent), and created a JSON-LD task instance representing the considered MiniWob web tasks. As we illustrate in the paper, the pre-trained agent outperforms the other agents regarding warm-start and success rate which is measured by the number of collected positive rewards. With this demo, we want to make our evaluation that we conducted for the K-Cap paper, reproducible for the reviewers of the K-Cap 2019 conference.
The MiniWob web task is represented by a simplified Markov Decision Process (MDP) (see following figure) that covers different web tasks (e.g. click-button, click-button-sequence, choose-list, click-checkboxes-large, click-checkboxes-soft, click-checkboxes-transfer, click-checkboxes, book-flight, book-flight-nodelay). For space reasons, we have left the flight booking tasks out of the MDP figure. The nodes of the MDP represent the states, while the arrows represent the actions that should be performed in the appropriate state. Every state-action-state transition has an assigned reward value r. The reward can range between the maximum reward of +1 and the minimum negativ reward of -1. Regarding the transition probability, we assume that the execution of every action is equal likely so that the transition probability is computed by 1/#actions:
You can cite the K-Cap Demo or the corresponding paper by the following citation:
author = {Nicole Merkle and
Patrick Philipp},
editor = {Mayank Kejriwal and
Pedro A. Szekely and
Rapha{\"{e}}l Troncy},
title = {Cooperative Web Agents by Combining Semantic Technologies with Reinforcement
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture,
{K-CAP} 2019, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, November 19-21, 2019},
pages = {205--212},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2019},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3360901.3364417},
timestamp = {Sun, 25 Oct 2020 22:55:43 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
The demo is implemented for and evaluated with Selenium Chrome web driver and was tested on a Windows OS. For other OSs (e.g. Linux, Mac, Unix) please consider and use the appropriate Selenium web driver executables.
- Install Nodejs + NPM on your host system.
- Install the Selenium Webdriver Exe from
- Clone the MiniWob++ repo to your host system.
- Clone this repo to your host system.
Start MiniWob Server:
- Change via command line into the cloned directory miniwob-plusplus/html/ and execute there:
MiniWob++ starts and its web tasks are accessible via http://localhost:8080/miniwob/.
Configuration of the Demo (optional):
It is not required to change the configuration of the demo. However, you have the possibility to specify the web tasks that shall be executed as well as different parameters for the DQNN learning algorithm. The .env configuration file contains all configurable parameters as key-value pairs. The following parameters can be defined:
- TASK -- a comma seperated list of web task names. The listed tasks will be executed by the demo.
- LEARNING_RATE -- the learning rate of the DQNN algorithm.
- EPSILON -- Greedy value that specifies the likelihood of random actions (exploration steps).
- EPISODES -- The number of episodes that shall be performed for a single task.
- ITERATIONS -- The number of executions of a single task. For instance, per iteration the given number of episodes are performed. If we have 10 iterations, the mean cumulative rewards of these iterations are evaluated.
- BROWSER -- Supported browser. In this demo the Chrome web driver has been utilized. However, it is also possible to execute other browsers (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.) if the appropriate Selenium web driver is installed on the host system.
Start Demo:
- Go into the K-Cap-2019-Demo directory and execute via command line:
npm install
All required javascript libraries are installed automatically.
- Finally, execute:
npm start
- Congratulations!!! You should see how your chrome web browser starts and runs with the appropriate task that is solved via one of the three agents. Every agent performs for every task 10 x 1000 episodes in this run-through. So if you let run the demo it may take several days until all agents have finished the execution of all specified tasks. The outcome for every performed task and agent will be a CSV file containing the episode number and collected mean reward value for every episode.