
Generate Tweets from any twitter user with a heavy twitter presence.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tweet Generator!

This is a passion project that was inspired during a Bootcamp Prep class at FSA. I wanted to create a project where I would retrieve twitter data about a user and generate tweets based off their data. It started with wanting to generate Trump Tweets because well, I think you know why.

Project Stuff Links

Travis CI Trello Board Oh, this site is live BTW

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Postgres Turducken of Sequelize & pg & pg hstore accessed by Express w/ Node.js
  • Travis CI
  • Heroku
  • HTML
  • CSS (framework TBD possibly Tailwind)
  • Tweets generated by a markov chain --> hopefully will turn into a tensor flow project