
Escape From Heat Island - a cross-platform, 3D game developed for the Flutter Global Game Jam Project. Download a prebuilt version at https://nmfisher.itch.io/escape-from-heat-island

Primary LanguageDart

Escape From Heat Island


A cross-platform, 3D game for the Flutter Global Gamers Challenge.

Save the neighbourhood from increasing temperatures by planting trees to increase shade!

Getting Started

The game has been built using the flutter_filament Flutter package I developed. This is still highly experimental, so the package installation/build process is a bit more complex than normal.

flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
mkdir ~/escape_from_heat_island
git clone git@github.com:nmfisher/escape_from_heat_island.git
git clone git@github.com:nmfisher/flutter_filament.git
cd flutter_filament && git lfs pull && git checkout develop
cd ../escape_from_heat_island
flutter run -d <your device>