
:robot: This bot updates subscribers after each men's NCAA March Madness game. Each update includes (1) the game's final score and (2) the standings of the group's Yahoo Fantasy bracket.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twilio WhatsApp Bot - NCAA March Madness

🤖 This bot updates subscribers after each men's NCAA March Madness game. Each update includes (1) the game's final score and (2) the standings of the group's Yahoo Fantasy bracket.

Features & Design


  • properly handle Puppeteer timeouts
  • implement windows scheduler instead of setInterval()


Sign up for Twilio, add Whatsapp number, set-up sandbox

Run npm install in root directory

Change .env.sample to .env and replace the following with your variables:

  • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=your-twilio-sid-here
  • TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=your-twilio-auth-token-here
  • TWILIO_SANDBOX_NUMBER=your-twilio-sandbox-number-here
  • SPORTRADAR_API_KEY=your-sportradar-api-key-here
  • GOOGLE_EMAIL=your-yahoo-fantasy-sign-in-info-here
  • GOOGLE_PASSWORD=your-yahoo-fantasy-sign-in-info-here
  • PHONE_NUMBER_1=subscriber-number-here
  • PHONE_NUMBER_2=etc...

Update CSS-selectors and XPaths in getBracketStandings.js to webscrape your specific Yahoo Fantasy Bracket.



  • Run node marchMadnessBot.js from root directory.

Backend server for responding to subscriber messages:

  • Deploy server.js and point your Twilio sandbox endpoint url to the server.