
ERD exporter with PlantUML format

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


ERD exporter with PlantUML format

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$ ./plant_erd sqlite3 --database /path/to/test_db.sqlite3

entity articles {
  * id : integer
  * user_id : integer
  index_user_id_on_articles (user_id)

entity users {
  * id : integer
  name : text

articles }-- users



  • Output ERD from real database
  • Output ERD to stdout or file
  • Output only tables within a certain distance adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific table


  • SQLite3
  • MySQL: 5.6, 5.7 and 8
  • PostgreSQL: 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13
  • Oracle


Download latest binary from https://github.com/sue445/plant_erd/releases and chmod 755

  • plant_erd : for SQLite3, MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • plant_erd-oracle : for Oracle

Setup for plant_erd-oracle

plant_erd-oracle requires Basic Package or Basic Light Package in Oracle Instant Client

Example (Linux)

mkdir -p /opt/oracle
wget --quiet --tries=0 https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/193000/instantclient-basiclite-linux.x64-
unzip -q instantclient-basiclite-linux.x64- -d /opt/oracle
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3

# for Ubuntu
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libaio1

Example (Mac)

See https://github.com/kubo/ruby-oci8/blob/master/docs/install-on-osx.md and install instantclient-basic or instantclient-basiclite

Example (Windows)

  1. Go to https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/winx64-64-downloads.html
  2. Download instantclient-basic-windows.x64- or instantclient-basiclite-windows.x64-
  3. Extract zip
  4. Move plant_erd-oracle to same directory as oci.dll



$ ./plant_erd sqlite3 --help
   plant_erd sqlite3 - Generate ERD from sqlite3

   plant_erd sqlite3 [command options] [arguments...]

   -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE  Output only tables within a certain DISTANCE adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific table (default: 0)
   --database DATABASE               SQLite3 DATABASE file
   -f FILE, --file FILE              FILE for output (default: stdout)
   -i, --skip-index                  Whether don't print index to ERD
   -s value, --skip-table value      Skip generating table by using regex patterns
   -t TABLE, --table TABLE           Output only tables within a certain distance adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific TABLE


$ ./plant_erd mysql --help
   plant_erd mysql - Generate ERD from mysql

   plant_erd mysql [command options] [arguments...]

   --collation COLLATION             MySQL COLLATION (default: "utf8_general_ci")
   -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE  Output only tables within a certain DISTANCE adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific table (default: 0)
   --database DATABASE               MySQL DATABASE name
   -f FILE, --file FILE              FILE for output (default: stdout)
   --host HOST                       MySQL HOST (default: "localhost")
   -i, --skip-index                  Whether don't print index to ERD
   --password PASSWORD               MySQL PASSWORD [$MYSQL_PASSWORD]
   --port PORT                       MySQL PORT (default: 3306)
   -s value, --skip-table value      Skip generating table by using regex patterns
   -t TABLE, --table TABLE           Output only tables within a certain distance adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific TABLE
   --user USER                       MySQL USER (default: "root")


$ ./plant_erd postgresql --help
   plant_erd postgresql - Generate ERD from PostgreSQL

   plant_erd postgresql [command options] [arguments...]

   -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE  Output only tables within a certain DISTANCE adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific table (default: 0)
   --database DATABASE               PostgreSQL DATABASE name
   -f FILE, --file FILE              FILE for output (default: stdout)
   --host HOST                       PostgreSQL HOST (default: "localhost")
   -i, --skip-index                  Whether don't print index to ERD
   --password PASSWORD               PostgreSQL PASSWORD [$POSTGRES_PASSWORD]
   --port PORT                       PostgreSQL PORT (default: 5432)
   -s value, --skip-table value      Skip generating table by using regex patterns
   --sslmode SSLMODE                 PostgreSQL SSLMODE. c.f. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS (default: "disable")
   -t TABLE, --table TABLE           Output only tables within a certain distance adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific TABLE
   --user USER                       PostgreSQL USER


$ ./plant_erd-oracle --help
   plant_erd-oracle - ERD exporter with PlantUML format (for oracle)

   plant_erd-oracle [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   vX.X.X (build. xxxxxxx)

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   -f FILE, --file FILE              FILE for output (default: stdout)
   -t TABLE, --table TABLE           Output only tables within a certain distance adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific TABLE
   -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE  Output only tables within a certain DISTANCE adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific table (default: 0)
   -i, --skip-index                  Whether don't print index to ERD
   --user USER                       Oracle USER
   --password PASSWORD               Oracle PASSWORD [$ORACLE_PASSWORD]
   --host HOST                       Oracle HOST (default: "localhost")
   --port PORT                       Oracle PORT (default: 1521)
   --service SERVICE                 Oracle SERVICE name
   --help, -h                        show help
   --version, -v                     print the version

About --table and --distance

When --table and --distance are passed, output only tables within a certain distance adjacent to each other with foreign keys from a specific table.

Example 1: Output all tables

$ ./plant_erd sqlite3

example all

Example 2: Output only tables within a distance of 1 from the articles

$ ./plant_erd sqlite3 --table articles --distance 1

example distance 1 from articles


with all databases

Run test in container

docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit

with only SQLite3

Run test on local

make test


The program is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

But plant_erd-oracle contains Oracle Instant Client. Oracle Instant Client is under OTN License.