Artillery Game

Game description

This game is a remastered edition of the classical "Artillery game". In this game, the player has to defeat it's opponent's tower by shooting it down. The game is played by turns; the player adjusts the angle and power of the tower so the projectile hits the enemy's tower after a parabolic trajectory.

Wikipedia on Artillery game.

Ballistic trajectory x, y components:

Technologies used:

  • HTML 5 & CSS
  • Canvas
  • Javascript


  • 1 player game vs. target
  • 1 level, 1 map
  • Able to see the projectile
  • 1 type of weapon
  • Start screen
  • Game screen
  • Win screen
  • Lose screen

Nice to have

  • Able to see the projectile's trajectory
  • Graphics on projectile collision
  • Graphics on shooting
  • 2 players (1 vs.1)
  • 5 different maps (w/ different gravities / wind components)
  • 3 types of weapons


Start screen

  • Title
  • Game image
  • Instructions
  • Start button

Game screen

  • Canvas
  • Player tower
    • Cannon angle (up & down keys)
    • Power (space bar)
  • Score
  • Time (s)

Win screen

  • Title "You won! :D"
  • Win image
  • Score - Time / lives left
  • Restart button

Lose Screen

  • Title "You lost :("
  • Lose image
  • Score - Time / lives left
  • Restart button