
A docker based development environment for Slic3r PE


An opinionated take on a docker based development environment for Slic3r Prusa Edition.

Getting Started

Run the docker container and access with port 6080

docker run -p 6080:80 nmistry73/slic3r-pe-dev-env

Browse to http://localhost:6080 Open a LXTerminal and run the follow to launch the included (under "System Tools")

cd ~/Slic3r
./slic3r.pl --gui

Building latest version of Slic3r PE

In the event that you want to use a more recent version of Slic3r PE

export LDLOADLIBS=-lstdc++
cd ~/Slic3r
git pull origin master
perl Build.PL --gui \
    && mkdir -p build && cd build \
    && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    && make

Building the docker image

Building the docker image will always pull the latest Slic3rPE from github.

docker build -t slic3r-pe-dev-env .


Thanks to dorowu for his ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc docker image which is the base for this image. https://hub.docker.com/r/dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc/ This was a real time saver.