ecom-cart implements a promotion engine which can compute promotion rules such as:
- if you buy 2 or more trousers, you get 15% off belts and shoes
- if you buy two shirts, each additional shirt costs only 45$
- if you purchase 3 or more shirts, all ties are half price
- buy 2 shirts and get 1 shirt free
Notice that fourth rule (buy 2 shirts and get 1 shirt free) has to be applied in such way if the customer has purchased 7 shirts then two of them should be free.
This project follows a slightly different structure from the recommended GOLang guidelines. (This can be corrected later) The packages are contained within the project folder under src
The project depends upon:
- ""
- "" To install the dependencies run the following commands in project folder:
go get -u
go get -u"
To run the project:
go run main.go
- Create a cart Ex: cart with - two trousers, three shirts, one belt, one shoe
curl localhost:8090/carts -X POST -d '{ "items": [{"name": "t1", "category": "trousers", "price": 100}, {"name": "t2", "category": "trousers", "price": 110}, {"name": "belt-1", "category": "belts", "price": 100}, {"name": "shoe-1", "category": "shoes", "price": 100}, {"name": "s1", "category": "shirts", "price": 120}, {"name": "s2", "category": "shirts", "price": 90}, {"name": "s3", "category": "shirts", "price": 65} ] }'
The cart is now created and assigned a unique id
- Get a cart
curl localhost:8090/carts/06f9af8a-d312-41a7-9576-f097958cc61f
- Get available promos:
curl localhost:8090/promos
"id": "promo2",
"description": "if you buy two shirts, each additional shirt costs only 45$",
"buys": [ { "category": "shirts", "count": 2 } ],
"gets": [ { "category": "shirts", "all": true, "count": 0, "off": { "discount": null, "fixed": { "price": 45 } } ]
"id": "promo3",
"description": "if you purchase 3 or more shirts, all ties are half price",
- Apply promos Note: Applies the following promos:
- promo1 = if you buy 2 or more trousers, you get 15% off belts and shoes
- promo2 = if you buy two shirts, each additional shirt costs only 45$
curl localhost:8090/carts/06f9af8a-d312-41a7-9576-f097958cc61f/promofied -X POST -d '{ "promos": ["promo1","promo2"] }'
The property sourceForPromos
indicactes the list of promos for which the item is a source or a trigger.
he property targetForPromos
indicactes the list of promos that have been applied for the item.
If more than one promo applies to an item, the off-price (or discounted price) is taken to be the minimum of all promo applications
So if for an item with sale price of 100, two promos apply, one with price = 95$ and other with prie = 85$. Then 85$ is considered as the off price
- Delete a cart
curl -X DELETE localhost:8090/carts/06f9af8a-d312-41a7-9576-f097958cc61f
Returns: 200 OK (probably ideally should 204 - No content)
Given time, the project would follow the below design approach:
Cart Service:
- Mantains carts in a distributed cache (such as Redis)
- Gets promotions from promotions service and caches them
- Applies the promotions on carts and caches the computation; Invalidating the cache if a cart is updated or promos are updated
- In order to be aware of changes to promos, it listens to events from promotions service for:
- New promotions
- Deletion of promotions
- Update of promotions
- Promo calculation is CPU intensive. Further tests could be done to determine if it makes sense to movie Promo calcuation as service and provide a cluster of CPU heavy nodes
. Controllers (CartController, PromoController)
. CartController provides the following endpoints:
- GET: /carts/{id}
- POST: /carts/ > Creates a new cart
- DEL: /carts/{id}
- POST /carts/{cartId}/promofied > Applies promos to a cart. The ids of promos that need to be applied has to be passed as an array in POST body:
promos: ["promo1","promo2"]
. PromoController
- GET: /promos : Gets all promos (as JSON objects)
. PromoCalc : Computes and applies the promotions to a cart
. PromoCache: Provides the promos that can be applied. Currently the four promos have been hardcoded in the code. The PromoController can be easily extended to support addition of new promos
. Repository: Stores all carts. Currently an in-memory version of the repository has been immplemented. This needs to be changed to use Redis.
A promo is represented as follows:
id: "promo-id",
description "Buy two shirt and a trouser and get a shirt free"
buys: [
category: "shirts",
count: 2
category: "trousers",
count: 1
gets: [
category: "shirts"
count: 1,
off : {
discount: { percentage: 100 }
The above promo represents Buy two shirt and a trouser and get a shirt free
. As it can be observed, the schema to represent a promo is quite flexible and can be used to represent different promo rules.
Examples promos as GO code:
// if you buy 2 or more trousers, you get 15% off belts and shoes
promo1 := models.Promo{Id: "promo1",
Description: "if you buy 2 or more trousers, you get 15 percent off belts and shoes",
Buys: []models.Buy{models.Buy{Category: "trousers", Count: 2}},
Gets: []models.Get{models.Get{Category: "belts", All: true, Off: models.Off{Discount: &models.Discount{Percentage: 15}}},
models.Get{Category: "shoes", All: true, Off: models.Off{Discount: &models.Discount{Percentage: 15}}}}}
//if you buy two shirts, each additional shirt costs only 45$
promo2 := models.Promo{Id: "promo2",
Description: "if you buy two shirts, each additional shirt costs only 45$",
Buys: []models.Buy{models.Buy{Category: "shirts", Count: 2}},
Gets: []models.Get{models.Get{Category: "shirts", All: true, Off: models.Off{Fixed: &models.Fixed{Price: 45}}}}}
The algorithm to apply promos, groups items by category so that it can access items efficiently. Then for a given promo it executes the following logic
for true {
// check if any of the items (or combination of items) can act as triggers (or sources) for current promo
var appliedBuys = applyBuys(groupedItems, promo)
// if none of the items were triggers (or sources) for the current promo, break and return
if !appliedBuys.applied {
groupedItems = appliedBuys.groupedItems
// pass grouped items to apply promos
// applyGets identifies the target items for a given promo and applies them
groupedItems = applyGets(groupedItems, promo)
Note that the logic has to be repeatdely applied until it none of the target (or source) items match. This is required to especially implement rules such as "Buy 2 Get 1 Free"
Currently the project has been implemented with the following limitations: The project has the following limitations. These limitations can be addressed in future
- Promotion rules are specified within the code. All thouugh this limitation can be easily done away with, as the rules themselves can be easily represented using JSON
- Ideally promotion rules should be managed by promotion service 3.1 The changes in promotions can be communicated as events to cart service
- Once promotions have been applied on cart, the resultant cart (also called as promofied cart) can be cached (unless an applied promotion changes or a new item is added, or deleted)
- Currently all carts are held in memory. But this funcationaly is encapsulated behind a "repository" interface. A redis based repository needs to be implemented
- No logging is implemented
- Limited unit tests (only a few unit tests have been implemented; need to add more unit tests) (Ideally would use BDD testing framework)
Currently only promocalc package has unit tests
go test promocalc -v