
SoapHandler implementing a client cache (backed by JSR-107 JCache) for jax-ws ports.

Primary LanguageJavaDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


CacheHandler is a SOAPHandler implementing a cache for JAX-WS SOAP clients.

The handler is backed by JCache (JSR-107). You have to provide that cache. After configuring your objects you have to append the CacheHandler to your port:

MutableConfiguration<String, SOAPMessage> config = new MutableConfiguration<>();
config.setTypes(String.class, SOAPMessage.class);

try (
		CachingProvider cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
		CacheManager cacheManager = cachingProvider.getCacheManager();
		Cache<String, SOAPMessage> cache = cacheManager.createCache("soap", config)) {
	CacheHandler cacheHandler = new CacheHandler(cache);
	Binding binding = ((BindingProvider) port).getBinding();
	List<Handler> handlerChain = binding.getHandlerChain();


You find this package in Maven central:


License and author

Markus Malkusch markus@malkusch.de is the author of this project. This project is free and under the WTFPL.


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