
The Project

The WifiMApp project was part of the UCT CSC3003S Capstone Project. An interactive heat map for the University of Cape Town Upper Campus.

Date: 6 September 2018

Repository Contents

This GitHub repo is intended to allow viewing of the code and overall project structure. The Android App is contained within the main folder. To access the Rest-Api code, please visit the RestAPI folder.

Installation Requirements

  • The WifiMApp has been designed and compiled using Android SDK 28, but has backwards compatability to SDK 20.
  • Several permissions (Location and Internet) must be granted to utilize the App's full functionality.


The WifiMApp project is an interactive map of UCT's Upper Campus, allowing users to view a heat map of the Eduroam wifi network around campus. It was implemented as an Android application in an attempt to reach as many students as possible.

Directory Explination

In order to view the Android Applications code, the following directory path must be followed: app > src > main > java > com > example > ntaolengmokotini > wifimapp

In order to view the REST API's code, the following directory path must be followed: rest-api > src > main > java > capstone > restapi

Please note that the GitHub Repository of the Rest-API can be found at : https://github.com/000kev/Capstone2018 Dino Bossi coded the API under the branch APIv2. The directory layout is the same.


In order to run the WifiMApp Android Application, Android Studio must be used. Additionally, in order to run the Rest-Api Intellij must be downloaded. To run it, run the Rest API Main Application class.

Built With

  • Spring Boot
  • Google Maps Utilities


  • Dino Bossi
  • Ntaoleng Mokotini
  • Kevin Kumasamba


  • Dr Josiah Chavula - Project Sponsor
  • Kushal Cuppoor - Project Mentor