
Program and Web Development Projects for Clients

Primary LanguagePHP



Program and Web Development Projects

Dev_Projects main repo

  • This is the main repo that will contain all projects.
  • Work as a team
  • More coming soon...

Repo / Folder Structure

  • dev_projects(root of repo)
    • dev/ (Internal folder for notes, ideas, and config files)
      • nick/ (Nick's folder)
      • elisha/ (Elisha's folder)
      • templates/ (Templates of commonly used files, i.e. the main docker example file)
      • ideas/ (Folder for all project idea md files)
    • projects/ (Folder for the individual projects)

Git Workflow

  • After cloning the main folder (dev_projects):
    • Create the base/scaffold for the project that is being worked on, commit this to master (with review).
    • A branch for this project will created. Example: master -> app_branch
    • We will each branch off of the project specific branch when working on that project.
    • First stage of branch naming convention: AREA_TYPE_Title
      • FRONTEND_LAYOUT_Creating_layout_for_dashboard (frontend web)
      • BACKEND_ROUTES_Building_API_routes_for_data (backend web)
      • UI_DASHBOARD_Building_main_layout (software)
  • All merges must be approved by other members of the team.
  • You can merge notes and README's without approval.

Group Notes

(Add any notes here) test


Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.