
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Run the project

To run this project, first, install Node 18+ and pnpm.

Install the dependencies:

pnpm i

Add a .env file at the root of the project and add your Gladia api key (get one here):

GLADIA_API_TOKEN=<your gladia api token>

You are now ready to run the project.
To run it in development mode, execute the following command:

pnpm dev

Or to run it in production mode:

pnpm serve

The app will be available at http://localhost:3000.
API documentation is available at http://localhost:3300/doc.

A default user is available : john.doe@gmail.com / azerty.
Feel free to use it or create another one with the sign-up form.

You can find audio and video samples inside folder /samples.

Other commands

To run the tests:

pnpm test

To run eslint:

pnpm lint

To run the ts check:

pnpm tscheck

To run the E2E tests:

pnpm test:e2e

Librairies used

The project is a monorepo using Nx.

For the UI app, it's Remix to easily handle cookie and redirection.

For the API, it's NestJS.
Prisma and SQLite are used for the database part.

Zod is used to validate inputs/outputs.

A SDK for the API is generated with the help of openapi-typescript-codegen.

Playwright is used to run the end-to-end tests.