Use template as a guide for building command line applications with the functionality to parse CLI arguments and read keyboard inputs from the terminal in Go.
Steb by Step Guide to: Building a CLI app that parses CLI arguments and reads keyboard inputs from the terminal in Go
Step 1. Briefly summaries how the apps supposed to work using the outline below and put in summary of - This will be updated as functionality and implementation are refined:
- User compiles and runs executable from command-line parsing [**valid argument**] - User is then prompted to enter [**input value**] - Then the app reads **keyboard input** ([**input value**]) from terminal - Core functionality will occur using **keyboard input** before the **desired outcome** occurs - Finally, the app prompts user to enter [**input value**] to either restart or end the app **Example:** - User compiles and runs executable from command-line parsing **the unit of temperature we want to convert from** - User is then prompted to enter **current temperature** - Then the app reads **keyboard input** (**current temperature**) from terminal - Core functionality occurs that:
- Converts current temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and prints out converted temperature in Celsius.
Converts current temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and prints out converted temperature in Fahrenheit.
Finally, the app prompts user to enter Y/N to either restart or the end app
- Converts current temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and prints out converted temperature in Celsius.
Setup Environment
- Go mod???
- Create main.go file
- Create [test] file
- Compile executable with
go build -o [executable_name]
command assigning relevant executable name - add command for compiling to README under Usage. - Docker???
- Go mod???
- Create main.go file
- Create main_test.go file
- Compile executable with
go build -o temp
- add command for compiling to README under Usage. - Docker???
Declare variables for the following (refer to summary) in main.go file:
- The arguments(s) that will be parsed into the CLI
- The keyboard input that will be read from the terminal
- The input functionality that enables the app to either restart or end
- The error responsible for handling invalid arguments(s) that will be parsed into the CLI - can simply be a message
- The error responsible for handling issues with keyboard input that will be read from the terminal - can simply be a message
- The error responsible for handling all other potential errors the app may encounter - can simply be a message
package main import ( "errors" ) var originUnit string // Input: The arguments(s) that will be parsed into the CLI var originValue float64 // Input: The keyboard input that will be read from the terminal var shouldConvertAgain string // Input: The input functionality that enables the app to either restart or end var err error //Output: The error responsible for handling all other potential errors the app may encounter var errInvalidArguments = errors.New("Invalid arguments") // Output: The error responsible for handling invalid arguments(s) that will be parsed into the CLI var errReadingInput = errors.New("Error reading input") // Output: The error responsible for handling issues with keyboard input that will be read from the terminal
Validate Argument(s) in the
func main()
definition:- Create a function to check if arguments are valid
- If argument invalid, invoke the print argument validation statement using printError() function, passing the error variable responsible for handling invalid arguments(s) that will be parsed into the CLI
func main() {
// We use the built-in len function to check if the length of os.Args is different than 2.
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
// If argument is invalid we invoke the printError() function, passing errInvalidArguments as the argument.
Read Argument, below argument validation statement:
- Invoke suitable functions to ensure consistency when reading command line
arguments provided by the user,
passing as the argument - Note: index 0,os.Args[0]
is assigned to the executable by default - Assign the result to the previously defined variable that will be parsed as an argument into the CLI.
- Invoke suitable functions to ensure consistency when reading command line
arguments provided by the user,
//5. Read origin unit
// Invoke strings.ToUpper function to ensure consistency when reading command line
// originUnit value provided by the user
// originUnit is the 2nd argument, os.Args[1], parsed into CLI
// the executable is 1st argument , os.Args[0], by default
originUnit := strings.ToUpper(os.Args[1])
Read Keyboard Input
- Print statement that will prompt user to enter desired input that will be read from the terminal
- Invoke the fmt.Scanln() function, passing the address to the keyboard input variable that as the argument.
- Assign the two return values to the variables _ and err respectively.
- Next, create an if statement checking if err != nil, and if that's true, invoke the printError() function, passing the error responsible for handling issues with keyboard input that will be read from the terminal as its argument.
// Read current temperature (originValue) Keyboard Input
for {
// Print statement that will prompt user to enter current temperature
fmt.Print("What is the current temperature in " + originUnit + " ? ")
// Invoke the fmt.Scanln() function, passing &originValue as the argument.
// Assign the two return values to the variables _ and err respectively.
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&originValue)
// If statement checking if err != nil, and if that's true,
// invoke the printError() function, passing errReadingInput as its argument.
if err != nil {
- Create function that handles runtime errors - Outside of
func main()
General Example - Can be used for any app
func printError(err error) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) }
- Create function that handles runtime errors - Outside of
- Create functions for each core functionality of app - Outside of
func main()
- Convert current temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and print out converted temperature in Celsius.
func convertToCelsius(value float64) { convertedValue := (value - 32) * 5 / 9 fmt.Printf("%v F = %.0f C\n", value, convertedValue) }
- Convert current temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and print out converted temperature in Fahrenheit.
func convertToFahrenheit(value float64) { convertedValue := (value * 9 / 5) + 32 fmt.Printf("%v C = %.0f F\n", value, convertedValue) }
- Create functions for each core functionality of app - Outside of
- Generate methods that will utilise core functionality functions
// If statement to check if originUnit is equal to "C" (notice the capital casing). // If so, invoke the convertToFahrenheit() function passing originValue as the argument. if originUnit == "C" { // Convert current temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit convertToFahrenheit(originValue) // Otherwise, create an else block and invoke the convertToCelsius() function, // passing originValue as the argument. } else { // Convert current temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius convertToCelsius(originValue) }
- Prompt Restarting App
- Parse Prompt Answer
- User compiles and runs executable from command-line parsing [**valid argument**]
- User is then prompted to enter [**input value**]
- Then the app reads **keyboard input** ([**input value**]) from terminal and prints out **desired outcome**
- Finally, the app prompts user to enter [**input value**] to either restart or end the app
Compile with go build -o [executable_name]
Then, invoke the binary passing as argument [valid_argument]. For example:
./[executable_name] [valid_argument]
to...[Brief decription of what it does]
To verify your work locally for this module, run the following command in a terminal window:
go test -v