

This project contains three main services:

  • Backend: Express API
  • Frontend: SvelteKit
  • Node.js Web Scraper

Process Management

The frontend and backend are both managed with PM2. With ecosystem.config.js in the base directory (next to frontend, backend and scraper), run pm2 start ecosystem.config.js to initialize the two processes.

Frontend: SvelteKit

Changes made to the SvelteKit application can be reflected in the production environment by running npm run build from the frontend directory and then restarting the frontend process with pm2 restart frontend.

Backend: Express API

Changes made to the Express API can be reflected in the production environment by simply restarting the backend process with pm2 restart backend.

Node.js Web Scraper

The web scraper is a Node.js script that executes through a systemd service. The service runs on a systemd timer. Changes made to the scraper will automatically be reflected upon the next execution of the service.