
CMake for stm32 developing.

Primary LanguageC


This project is used to develop applications for stm32 - ST's ARM Cortex-M3(4) MCUs, using cmake, GCC, newlib (libc), STM32CubeMX package or ChibiOS.


  • cmake >= 2.8
  • GCC toolchain with newlib (optionally).
  • STM32CubeMX package for STM32F1 or STM32F4 families. Project contains:
  • CMake common toolchain file, that configures cmake to use arm toolchain.
  • CMake family-specific toolchain file, that configures family-specific parameters.
  • CMake modules to find and configure CMSIS ans STM32HAL components.
  • CMake modules to find and configure ChibiOS components.
  • CMake project template.
  • Example projects:
    • stm32-blinky - blink LED using timers and PWM.
    • stm32-newlib - show date using uart and libc functions from newlib
    • stm32-chibios - blink led using ChibiOS/NIL


First of all you need to configure toolchain and libraries, you can do this by editing gcc_stm32.cmake or (better way) pass it throught command line. Variables for toolchain:

  • TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX - where toolchain is located, default: /usr
  • TARGET_TRIPLET - toolchain target triplet, default: arm-none-eabi
  • STM32_CHIP - STM32 device code, e.g. STM32F407VG or STM32F103VG
  • STM32_FAMILY - STM32 family (F0, F1, F4, etc.) currently, F1 and F4 family are supported. Note: If STM32_CHIP variable is set, STM32_FAMILY is optional.
  • STM32Cube_DIR - path to STM32CubeMX directory default: /opt/STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.1.0 /opt/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.6.0

For using scripts you'll need to copy contents of cmake folder into cmake's modules path, or use CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable. Template project can be found in stm32-template folder.


Common usage:

cmake -DSTM32_CHIP=<chip> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_gcc_stm32.cmake> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug <path_to_source_dir>

Where - stm32 chip name (e.g. STM32F100C8, STM32F407IG). This command will generate Makefile for project. Scripts will try to detected chip parameters (type, flash/ram size) from chip name. You can set this parameters directly using following cmake variables:

  • STM32_CHIP_TYPE - family-depended chip type. Global variable STM32_CHIP_TYPES contains list of valid types for current family
  • STM32_FLASH_SIZE - chip flash size (e.g. 64K)
  • STM32_RAM_SIZE - chip RAM size (e.g. 4K)

For using with Eclipse CDT:

cmake -DSTM32_CHIP=<chip> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_gcc_stm32.cmake> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" <path_to_source_dir>

For release build:

cmake -DSTM32_CHIP=<chip> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_gcc_stm32.cmake> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release <path_to_source_dir>


To build elf file:


To build .hex:

make <project name>.hex

or .bin:

make <project name>.bin

Linker script variables

Next cmake variables are useful for linker tuning:

  • STM32_LINKER_SCRIPT - Path to custom linker script. You can use cmake variables (listed below) in itd.
  • STM32_FLASH_ORIGIN - Start address of flash (default: 0x08000000)
  • STM32_RAM_ORIGIN - Start address of RAM (default: 0x20000000)
  • STM32_CCRAM_ORIGIN - Start address of Core-Coupled RAM (only for F4 family) (default: 0x10000000)
  • STM32_FLASH_SIZE - Flash size (default: from chip name)
  • STM32_RAM_SIZE - RAM size (default: from chip name)
  • STM32_CCRAM_SIZE - Core-Coupled RAM size (only for F4 family) (default: 64 KiB)
  • STM32_MIN_STACK_SIZE - Minimum stack size for error detection at link-time (default: 512 bytes)
  • STM32_MIN_HEAP_SIZE - Minimum heap size for error detection at link-time (default: 0 bytes)

Useful cmake macros

  • STM32_GET_CHIP_TYPE(CHIP CHIP_TYPE) - gets chip type from chip name.
  • STM32_GET_CHIP_PARAMETERS(CHIP FLASH_SIZE RAM_SIZE) - gets chip ram/flash size from chip name.
  • STM32_SET_CHIP_DEFINITIONS(TARGET CHIP_TYPE) - sets chip family and type-specific compiler flags for target.
  • STM32_SET_FLASH_PARAMS(TARGET ...) - sets chip flash/ram parameters for targer.
  • STM32_SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(TARGET) - sets all needed parameters and compiler flags for target.
  • STM32_GENERATE_LIBRARIES(NAME SOURCES LIBRARIES) - generates libraries for all chip types in family. Resulting libraries stored in LIBRARIES and have names in ${NAME}${FAMILY}${CHIP_TYPE} format.

ChibiOS Support

This projects also supports ChibiOS v3.x.x (both nil and rt kernels). CMake modules for ChibiOS can find specified ChibiOS components using COMPONENTS directive. See project stm32-chibios for example usage.