An example application implementing SMS Two Factor Authentication using Twilio.
This project is built using Ruby on Rails Framework.
First clone this repository and
into it.$ git clone $ cd sms2fa-rails
Install the dependencies.
$ bundle install
Export the environment variables.
You can find the AccountSID and the AuthToken at
$ export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=Your Twilio Account SID $ export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=Your Twilio Auth Token $ export TWILIO_NUMBER=Your Twilio Phone Number
Create database and run migrations.
Make sure you have installed PostgreSQL. If on a Mac, I recommend
$ bundle exec rake db:setup
Make sure the tests succeed.
$ bundle exec rspec
Start the server.
$ bundle exec rails s
Check it out at http://localhost:3000.
That's it!
- No warranty expressed or implied. Software is as is. Diggity.
- MIT License
- Lovingly crafted by Twilio Developer Education.