HFTP -- ECE564 Project


  • Track all information of HFTP conference
  • Hftp: An organization that holds a series of conferences for the continuing education of hospitality professionals

Basic Functions

1. Conference Introduction

  • A brief introduction of the history and goals of HFTP conference

2. Conference Agenda

  • Search bar for users so they can search sessions by date, type, title, location
  • Sessions can be displayed in Table/Calendar Display Mode accroding to user’s need
  • Users are able to Add/Remove a session from their own calendar
  • Once the user adds a session to his/her calender, he/she becomes one of the attendees of that session
  • If a user wants to know more about a session, he/she can check Session Details: Introduction, date, time period, location, participants(speakers & attendees)

3. Conference Speakers

  • Search bar for users so they can search speakers by name
  • All the speakers' information (name, title and email) and sessions to give lectures are available

4. Conference Attendees

  • If a user add some sessions to his/her calendar, he/she will be in the attendee list
  • Search bar for users so they can search attendees by name
  • All the speakers' information (name, title, email and phone number) and their social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook) are available

5. Side Menu

  • Users can Edit/Save their information in settings
  • Users’ are able to check their attended sessions and credits in My Credit
  • Users can login and logout in the side menu (several accounts in the picker view to choose from, password: hftp2020)