This is an implementation of g2-MLP.
GNNs are the neural networks for the representation learning of graph-structured data, most of which are constructed by stacking graph convolutional layers. As stacking n-layers of ones is equivalent to propagating n-hop of neighbor nodes' information, GNNs require enough large number of layers to learn large graphs. However, it tends to degrade the model performance due to the problem called over-smoothing. In this paper, by presenting a novel GNN model, based on stacking feedforward neural networks with gating structures using GCNs, I tried to solve the over-smoothing problem and thereby overcome the difficulty of GNNs learning large graphs. The experimental results showed that the proposed method monotonically improved the prediction accuracy up to 20 layers without over-smoothing, whereas the conventional method caused it at 4 to 8 layers. In two experiments on large graphs, the PPI dataset, a benchmark for inductive node classification, and the application to the surrogate model for finite element methods, the proposed method achieved the highest accuracy of the existing methods compared, especially with a state-of-the-art accuracy of 99.71% on the PPI dataset.
Model | micro-F1 |
GAT | 94.17% (±2.20) |
GCN | 80.74% (±0.69) |
MLP (20 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 83.126% (±0.036) |
g2-MLP (4 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 99.531% (±0.018) |
g2-MLP (8 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 99.663% (±0.009) |
g2-MLP (12 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 99.689% (±0.007) |
g2-MLP (16 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 99.699% (±0.013) |
g2-MLP (20 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 99.705% (±0.014) |
g2-MLP (24 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 99.700% (±0.006) |
g2-MLP (20 layers, pb 0.6, 1500 epochs) | 99.690% (±0.013) |
g2-MLP (20 layers, pb 1.0, 1500 epochs) | 99.598% (±0.012) |
hyper parameters
parameters | value |
batch size | 64 |
lr | 2.5e-3 |
beta | (0.9, 0.9) |
lr_decay_gamma | 0.3 |
lr_decay_iters | 300 |
fnn hidden dim | 2048 |
hidden dim | 128 |
Model | micro-F1 | details |
GAT (4 layers, 512 hidden_dim, 100 epochs) | 39.56% (±0.04) | 39.55 39.53 39.63 39.55 39.52 |
GCN (4 layers, 512 hidden_dim, 100 epochs) | 40.60% (±0.17) | 40.69 40.72 40.70 40.27 40.62 |
MLP (12 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 43.42% (±0.30) | 43.73 42.96 43.69 43.53 43.19 |
g2-MLP (12 layers, pb 0.8, 1500 epochs) | 70.49% (±0.75) | 69.68 71.04 71.68 69.88 70.18 |
hyper parameters
parameters | value |
batch size | 512 |
lr | 2.5e-3 |
beta | (0.9, 0.9) |
lr_decay_gamma | 0.3 |
lr_decay_iters | 300 |
fnn hidden dim | 2048 |
hidden dim | 128 |
About FEM dataset
The fillet structure like the follows
We prepared 229 datasets in the following conditions.
TODO : translate
- 各長方形の高さをそれぞれ 10 ~ 100 (10刻み) でランダムに変更
- フィレット径を 5 ~ 45 (5刻み) でランダムに変更
このうち、8割をtrain, 1割をvalidation, 1割をtestとした
./docs/FEMMeshNetgen.frd にあるようなCalculixの計算結果をパースした.
特徴量には次のDisp. を利用している. (TODO : dispとは?)
-4 DISP 4 1
-5 D1 1 2 1 0
-5 D2 1 2 2 0
-5 D3 1 2 3 0
-5 ALL 1 2 0 0 1ALL
-1 1-1.23851E-03 1.38397E-03 8.13754E-06
-1 2-1.23833E-03 1.38748E-03 1.65606E-05
-1 3-1.23595E-03 1.86246E-03 1.33735E-05
2C 1242 1
-1 1 2.30000E+01 2.00000E+01 5.00000E+00
-1 2 2.30000E+01 2.00000E+01 0.00000E+00
-1 3 3.00000E+01 2.00000E+01 5.00000E+00
-1 4 3.00000E+01 2.00000E+01 0.00000E+00
-1 5 3.00000E+01 0.00000E+00 5.00000E+00
予測対象は次の応力Stress. を、応力の大きさ (
(ex : [0.1, 7, 3, 18, 2]
-> [0, 3, 2, 5, 1]
-4 STRESS 6 1
-5 SXX 1 4 1 1
-5 SYY 1 4 2 2
-5 SZZ 1 4 3 3
-5 SXY 1 4 1 2
-5 SYZ 1 4 2 3
-5 SZX 1 4 3 1
-1 1 3.68768E-01 8.27878E-03-2.20199E-02-1.50879E-01 2.03513E-03 3.27718E-02
-1 2 3.52119E-01 1.33049E-02-2.21362E-02-1.71304E-01 8.95834E-03-4.10380E-02
-1 3 3.28198E-03-6.22315E-03 1.52381E-03-3.40027E-03-1.19905E-03-2.91369E-04
-1 4-3.29518E-03-8.83664E-03 1.10334E-03 3.01675E-03 7.87600E-04 5.29066E-04
3C 605 1
-1 483 6 0 1
-2 23 142 24 52 810 811 228 793 525 797
-1 484 6 0 1
-2 142 80 24 52 812 785 811 525 795 797
-1 485 6 0 1
-2 119 128 180 181 469 813 815 816 814 659
Model | Accuracy | details |
SAGPool | 74.18% | |
GIN-0 | 82.7% | |
PSCN | 78.59% | |
GK | 62.28 | |
g2-MLP (4 layers, pb 1.0, 100 epochs) | 82.38% (±0.76) | 82.48 83.21 83.21 81.51 81.51 |
parameters | value |
batch size | 256 |
lr | 2.5e-3 |
beta | (0.9, 0.9) |
fnn hidden dim | 512 |
hidden dim | 32 |
Model | Accuracy | details |
U2GNN | 69.93% | |
GAT | 66.70% | |
GIN-0 | 64.6% | |
PSCN | 62.29% | |
GK | 57.26% | |
g2-MLP (4 layers, 50 epochs) | 68.00% (±2.14) | 71.43 68.57 65.71 68.57 65.71 |
parameters | value |
batch size | 2048 |
lr | 1.18e-4 |
beta | (0.9, 0.9) |
fnn hidden dim | 1024 |
hidden dim | 128 |
Model | Accuracy | details |
U2GNN | 78.53% | |
SAGPool | 71.86% | |
GCN | 75.65% | |
GAT | 74.70% | |
GIN-0 | 76.2% | |
PSCN | 75.89% | |
GK | 71.67% | |
g2-MLP | 74.11% (±1.41) |
Dataset | PPI | NCI1 | PTC_MR | PROTEINS |
Graphs | 24 | 4110 | 344 | 1113 |
Average Nodes Per Graph | 2373 | 29.87 | 14.29 | 39.06 |
Average Edges Per Graph | 34113 | 32.30 | 14.69 | 72.82 |
Features of Nodes | 50 | |||
Classes | 121 (multilabel) | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Reference : Graph Attention Networks
Reference : Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks
install dependent packages
$ pip3 install torch==1.9.1 $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
download necessary data
$ make
$ ./scripts/
$ optuna-dashboard sqlite:///db.sqlite3
` cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`
- pytorch-geometricのバージョンをドキュメントに従って揃える
- nvidia-toolkitのインストール
- 環境変数の設定
` cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`
- pytorchのバージョンがあっていない
- torch==1.9.1をインストール後、案内に従って残りのライブラリをインストール
$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"
$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)"
$ export TORCH=1.9.1
$ export CUDA=cu102
$ pip install torch-scatter -f${TORCH}+${CUDA}.html
$ pip install torch-sparse -f${TORCH}+${CUDA}.html
$ pip install torch-geometric
- PyTorch Documentation
- PyTorch-Geometric Documentation
- DGCNN implementation by leftthomas
- HGP-SL implementation by cszhangzhen
Yu, Nakai. The University of Tokyo.
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