
An Ingress chat bot of Shanghai Enlightened, based on ingress-exporter.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An ingress chat bot developed by Shanghai Enlightened, based on ingress/intel.


  • Send welcome message to new players

  • Respond weather queries (China only)

  • Fetch public activities

  • API to query players' activity from fetched data

  • API to query portals' history (capture/ADA/Jarvis events) from fetched data (experimental)


  • MongoDB

  • Node.js


  1. Clone repository and submodules

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/breeswish/sh-enl-ingress-intel-chat-bot.git
  2. Configure

    1. Copy config.cson.default to config.cson and modify:

      • Auth.CookieRaw The ingress/intel cookie of the account. Notice: The account can be banned at anytime, so don't use your gaming account here.
      • Database.ConnectString If you have modified MongoDB port or auth settings, or want to use a different database name, please modify this field.
      • Mail.* The bot will send mails to notify you when there are something wrong.
    2. Copy ingress-exporter/config.cson.default to ingress-exporter/config.cson and modify:

      • Region The fetching region. See How to generate polygon data via IITC drawtool. Notice: The polygon region data will be finally simplified to a rectangle in the chat bot, so you needn't drawing polygon very carefully.
      • Database.ConnectString Keep consistent with the ConnectString in config.cson.
  3. Enable your desired plugin in src/plugins/faction, as well as their template files in src/templates (copy, rename, and modify templates optionally)

    • xmorose Used by Shanghai Enlightened only. Template: xmorose.cson.
    • welcome Welcome new agents. Template: welcome.cson.
    • hi Respond hi when receiving hi/hello. Template: hi.cson.
    • ping Respond pong when receiving ping. Template: ping.cson.
    • weather Respond weather forecast and air quality (China only). Template: weather.air.cson, weather.cson.
    • train Train bot. Train Syntax: @bot_name train RegExPattern ResponseString. Cancel Syntax: @bot_name train RegExPattern. Template: train.fail.cson, train.ok.cson, train.remove.cson.
    • fallback Some fallback response (Chinese). Template: none.
    • auth (experimental).
  4. Install modules and compile files

    npm install -g grunt-cli
    npm install
    cd ingress-exporter
    npm install
    # cd ..

    Notice: You need to run grunt everytime you made changes (enable/disable plugin, modify template, modify config.cson)

  5. Run

    node build/app.js


    --auth false         Disable authentication when accessing APIs
    --debug true         Enable debug mode. In debug mode, messages won't be send
                         to real players


        "method": "get",
        "path": "/manage/auth/tokens",
        "desciption": "List all tokens",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_ROOT"
        "method": "put",
        "path": "/manage/auth/:player/:level",
        "desciption": "Set access-level of all tokens of an agent",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_ROOT"
        "method": "post",
        "path": "/auth/token/:player",
        "desciption": "Generate a new token",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_GUEST"
        "method": "get",
        "path": "/auth/token/:token",
        "desciption": "Get detail of a token",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_GUEST"
        "method": "get",
        "path": "/help",
        "desciption": "Show help messages",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_GUEST"
        "method": "get",
        "path": "/portalhistory/:guid/:mintimestampms",
        "desciption": "Fetch the history of a protal",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_TRUSTED"
        "method": "post",
        "path": "/query/:collection",
        "desciption": "Query database",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_TRUSTED"
        "method": "get",
        "path": "/tracker/:player/:mintimestampms/:maxtimestampms",
        "desciption": "Track a player",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_TRUSTED"
        "method": "get",
        "path": "/tracker/:player/:page",
        "desciption": "Track a player",
        "min_access_level": "LEVEL_TRUSTED"


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Breezewish