
User contributed color scripts

Primary LanguageShell


Color scripts created by various people that was scattered around the web now in one place.

You will find screenshots in the directory named preview

All the scripts have been baptised with chmod +x



  • bash
  • python 2 or 3 (required for print-colors.py and unowns.py)
  • perl (required for color-support1.pl)


  • Git

git clone https://github.com/gstk/color-scripts

  • Wget


wget -qO- ow.ly/IFgBT | tar xz


wget -qO- ow.ly/IFguE | bsdtar -xvf-


If you have created or found any new Colour Script(s) thats not present in this repository then Feel Free to make a Pull Request :-)

You can also share your script via a pastebin of your choice and pasting the link in a New Issue

You can use Sprunge (a command line pastebin) to share your script :

cat /path/to/myscript | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us