
A full-stack payment services app inspired by Venmo. Developed using React, Redux, Material Components, PostgreSQL, Express, and Socket.io.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full-stack payment app developed using React, Express, PostgreSQL, and Socket.io.

Contains features similar to that of the payment service app Venmo, along with other features such as live chat.

Backlog of features:

  • DONE Google OAuth 2.0
  • DONE Live chat with friends using Socket.io
  • DONE Add friends by sending a friend request
  • DONE Add profile pictures
  • DONE Show a feed of payment history, including reasons for payment and how much was paid
  • DONE Built a responsive front-end UI using Material-UI React components
  • DONE Implemented sign-up and log-out features
  • TODO Host front-end on Netlify and back-end on Heroku


  • React
  • Redux
  • NodeJS + Express
  • PostgreSQL + Knex
  • Google OAuth
  • Socket.io