EventPooler installation instructions.

I'm assuming you will be installing this on Mac OS X, as I tried installing it on Windows once without luck.

 - Ruby 1.8.7(should come pre-installed on Mac OS X)
 - Rails 3( run 'sudo gem update rails' if you're still running Rails 2, which I think Mac OS X comes installed with)
 - MySQL
 - Git(instead of using 'git clone', you can also just download the source from the GitHub page)

The easiest way to install the following 2 applications is to use a Package Manager such as HomeBrew(https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew) or MacPorts(http://www.macports.org/). Then you can simply run:
    'sudo brew install sphinx' or 'sudo port install sphinx'

Sphinx Search (http://sphinxsearch.com/)

ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org)
 - This isn't really needed, the only place it's used right now is to upload a user image. So unless that's something you want to try out, I wouldn't bother installing this


Checkout the code from GitHub by running:
    'git clone git@github.com:neufelni/event_pooler.git'

Install the required gems by running
    'sudo bundle install'

Rename the following "example" files
    - config/environments/development.rb
    - config/initializers/secret_token.rb
    - config/database.yml

Specify an e-mail server to use in config/environments/development.rb(We've just been using GMail)

Create a new MySQL database, and provide the connection information in config/database.yml

Populate the database by running
    'rake db:migrate'

Index sphinx search by running
    'rake ts:index'

Start the sphinx search server by running
    'rake ts:start'

Start the Rails server by running
    'rails server'

You should now be able to access the application by browsing to ''