
FAST copy-paste clipboard on multiple machines. READ readme.

Primary LanguagePython


I have Usage section included + Ready to use software

Use-case: your copy-paste clipboard TO other machine: other computer, VM, remote machine.

Nice parts

  • Don't need to install Additions on VM.
  • any hypervisor: qemu, vbox, vmware, WHATEVER.
  • any OS: any operation system. Try, for example, any GNU/Linux distro.
  • 3 file for all code

Why this is working?

Because websockets. Learn it and you will get it.



  1. install libs
  2. set host and port in config.py
  3. use this software

=> 1 <= install libs

only FOR GNU/Linux users: sudo apt-get install xsel xclip or, if you want, pip install gtk PyQt4

Main command: pip install websockets pyperclip

=> 2 <= set host and port in config.py

Just do it.

=> 3 <= use this software

#  __
# /_ |
#  | |    # server.py file #
#  | |    run this command on your
#  | |    
#  |_|    VM | other machine | whatever
python3 server.py

# ----------------------------------------

#  ___
# |__ \
#    ) |  # client.py file #
#   / /   run this command on your
#  / /_
# |____|  on your pc:
python3 client.py
# Now,         /\
# after running this commnd
# try hit ctrl+c    :)