
Argument lists in Evil

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Implements most aspects of the argument list feature from Vim in Evil. An argument list is a set of file paths on which you can perform operations.


(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/path/to/evil-arglist")
(require 'evil-arglist)


Set the argument list to all .el files in the current directory

:args *.el

Show all files in the argument list


Edit the next file on the argument list


Edit the previous file on the argument list


Delete all files from the argument list

:argd *

[+cmd] and [cmd] arguments

Vim's [+cmd] and [cmd] Ex arguments are fully supported which means the following work as expected:

Run checkdoc on every file in the argument list

:argdo checkdoc

Search and replace

:argdo %s/vim/emacs/g

Revert changes made from a previous :argdo

:argdo edit!

Go to the first line containing the word TODO in the currently edited argument

:argu +/TODO

Edit the first argument, goto the last line

:1argu +

Edit the first argument, goto line 10

:1argu +10

Edit the first argument, then run substitute on the buffer

:1argu +s/foo/bar

Substitue ## with the arglist in Ex

Support is also added for the special file name ## which will be replaced with a concatentation of all the files in the argument list, separated by spaces, when it appears in an Ex command.