
lightline.vim colorschemes for all available base16 themes

Primary LanguageVim Script


Provides lightline.vim colorschemes for all the base16 themes.

Lightline theme example image


This is a simple vim plugin, so including it in your vimrc or nvim/init.vim should suffice. If you use vim-plug:

Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
Plug 'mike-hearn/base16-vim-lightline'

How to build

The Dockerfile/docker-compose.yml files contained in this repo will automatically pull the latest base16 theme templates from github and build them (using base16-builder-go).

This repo will be kept somewhat up-to-date, but if you wish to build using the latest available themes, run:

docker-compose up

This will kick-off a container that will pull the themes, build the lightline colorschemes, and output them to the proper local directory (e.g. ./autoload/lightline/colorscheme).