
The purpose of DIY:MKE is to provide a way for promotors, bands, and venues to connect and make booking shows easier .

Primary LanguagePHP


The purpose of DIY:MKE is to provide a way for promotors, bands, and venues to connect and make booking shows easier.


The purpose of this repository is to improve version control and track issues. Version Control will be used to track changes that cause errors. Issue tracking will be used to identify issues in specific circumstances to identify edge-cases. Issues can also be used for suggestions.

A Good Issue

A good issue has four components: Short description (title), long description, context of the error, error message received. Additional notes are also appreciated but not necessary in some instances.


Title: Recatpcha Throws Error
Description: Using the contact form brings the user to a page which describes a problem with Google Recaptcha Context: After clicking 'submit' on the contact form and using Recaptcha.
Additional Notes: Not clicking the recaptcha box doesn't allow the user to click the 'submit' button, so it's a necessary feature.

Development Cycle

I want to keep a rigorous development cycle, with at least 1 update a week and a version change at least once a month.

Beta Testers

If you'd like to be on the beta team, shoot me a message at mods@diymke.org